

Brisbane state school student allegedly stabbed, king hit, told to kill himself

A student has been stabbed with scissors, coward punched and told to kill himself at a school parents claim is overrun by toxic bullying.

Alleged bullying at Bay View State School. Picture: Supplied
Alleged bullying at Bay View State School. Picture: Supplied

A student has been stabbed with scissors, coward punched and told to kill himself in the latest spate of worrying incidents at a South East Queensland school that parents say is overrun with toxic bullying.

Parents claim staff at Bay View State School in Thornlands south of Brisbane have failed repeatedly to act on bullying and violence which has left them fearing for the safety of their children.

They say teachers won’t listen to their concerns and accuse their children of lying whenever they complain about being bullied.

However the Department of Education in a statement responding to the allegations said “like all Queensland state schools, Bay View State School takes the issue of bullying very seriously and is committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of every student”.

Parents of the student who was stabbed, punched and told to kill himself told The Courier-Mail their child had been physically and verbally abused by another student over the past two months.

A red mark on the boy’s neck after he was allegedly king hit. Picture: Supplied
A red mark on the boy’s neck after he was allegedly king hit. Picture: Supplied

They said they felt as if they were “palmed off” after approaching the school with concerns.

“My middle son is constantly the victim of physical abuse from a particular child. He has been told to go and commit suicide, he’s been shoved, kicked and punched,” one of his parents said.

“Our son asked us why another student would tell him to commit suicide and what it meant.”

His mother said the bullying escalated on July 17 when her son was stabbed in the leg with scissors.

“The scissors were open … he stabbed them into my son’s leg and dragged them down his leg,” she said.

In an email provided to The Courier-Mail the school responded to the incident by giving an “extended consequence” to the child and arranging a parent-teacher meeting.

“My son was told to tell his teachers of anything that happens but has been too scared to tell any of the teachers because they don’t listen to him and make him feel like he’s a nuisance, and some of them just tell him to go away,” his mother said.

“He didn’t report the scissor incident to anybody at first because they made him feel like he couldn’t tell them anything.

“It all started with name-calling. My son was called a f**king idiot, or he would tell my son he was stupid and ugly. It’s gradually got violent since then with shoving, hitting, kicking and has since escalated.”

Scratches down the boy’s leg after he was allegedly attacked with a pair of scissors. Picture: Supplied
Scratches down the boy’s leg after he was allegedly attacked with a pair of scissors. Picture: Supplied

The parents said on August 16 the child brought a knife to school and showed their son, who then told their teacher about the incident. According to the Department of Education, an investigation determined there was no evidence to support the allegation of a knife at the school.

On August 18 their son was allegedly king hit in the side of the neck.

In a meeting with the principal on August 22, the mother said she questioned why a lockdown wasn’t triggered when the teacher was informed a knife was present on school grounds.

“The principal asked my son not to speak to anybody about the knife situation because the school didn’t want an uproar from the parents about that situation,” she said.

“The principal said they investigated the situation and took the appropriate measures, but couldn’t tell me what they were.”

In a post shared in a school Facebook group on August 18, a parent shared similar concerns about another bullying incident at the primary school.

“My daughter is home from school because of an incident that happened yesterday where she felt bullied and was too scared and too anxious to go to school today. It’s not fair. I wasn’t even informed about this and my daughter was in tears because of a couple of girls and a young boy yelling at her up in the face,” the post read.

Bay View State School. Picture: School website.
Bay View State School. Picture: School website.

“Hmm, seems to be a common issue, where it’s just palmed off and ignored. Maybe it’s about time more parents started voicing their concerns,” a comment in response to the post read.

“My son has told me of several incidents that he has told educators of things happening and nothing being done,” another comment said.

“Going through the same thing. It’s not fair, and I find the school doesn’t really do anything to help,” another parent added.

“Seems to be happening a lot. My daughter always comes home hurt from being bullied. I do ask or say go tell the teachers, but she says the teachers don’t listen to me, and tell me to go away, or I’m lying,” another parent said.

A statement from Department of Education was provided to The Courier-Mail in response to the allegations.

“Like all Queensland state schools, Bay View State School takes the issue of bullying

very seriously and is committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of every

Student,” the statement said.

“Any situation that threatens the safety and wellbeing of students, staff or others in our school communities is treated extremely seriously, and dealt with as a matter of priority in line with the school’s Student Code of Conduct.

“It is mandatory for the Student Code of Conduct to include guidance materials on how to report bullying and what to expect following the report, including timelines for a response.

“The department encourages any students, parents and carers to report any cases of bullying or misconduct to their school principal in the first instance, or their closest Department of Education regional office.

“Any situation that threatens the safety and wellbeing of students or others in the school community is treated extremely seriously, and dealt with as a matter of priority which may include precautionary lockdowns.”

Bay View State School has been contacted for comment.

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