
The referee blunder that cost the Cowboys the match against the Sea Eagles a concern for NRL

TODD Greenberg says the obstruction rule is open to interpretation but added a question mark hung over Kieran Foran’s try on Friday night.

NRL Head of Football Todd Greenberg says he has concerns around the obstruction interpretation that led to Kieran Foran being awarded a crucial try in Manly’s victory over the Cowboys on Friday night.

Speaking on Triple M radio in Sydney on Saturday after yet another referee blunder contributed to a Cowboys loss, Greenberg said the decision was the result of changing the obstruction rule which gave the referees more discretion in deciding what was and wasn’t obstruction.

But he added that the decision would be reviewed by referees boss Tony Archer next week.

The Cowboys were on the wrong end of a crucial decision late in the game that led to a Kieran Foran try that locked the scores at 20-20 when Jamie Buhrer was judged not to have interfered with Cowboys defender Ray Thompson despite it looking like a clear obstruction.

Referee Gavin Badger referred the decision to video referees Paul Mellor and Bernard Sutton with most expecting it be awarded “No Try” on the big screen.

News_Rich_Media: Last night a controversial referee decision cost North Queensland severely as Manly fought back to beat the Cowboys by five points – and it’s not the first time a refereeing blunder has cost the men from the North.

“If that is not an obstruction I will walk nude through Pitt Street,” Cowboys coach Paul Green said after the game.

Greenberg said that obstruction was a difficult rule to police and subject to discretion on the part of the referees.

“We need to remind people that back at the beginning of 2013 we had a very black and white rule around obstruction and it was clear at the time that it didn’t work,” Greenberg said.

“It didn’t work for referees, it didn’t work for coaches, it didn’t work for players. What we did was, at the beginning of last year, we tried to put some discretion in that and take the black and white out.

“And we’ve tried to allow former first grade players and coaches into our video referee’s box which has been incredibly successful over the last 12 months getting good common sense decisions right.

News_Rich_Media: North Queensland Cowboys coach Paul Green laments a number of controversial refereeing decisions in his side's defeat to Manly on Friday night.

“But what happened last night was that somebody has applied some discretion and the referees has called that a try.

“So the processes are right but certainly you would be prepared to say there are some concerns around that decision. I know Tony Archer has some question marks over it and he’ll deal with it this week.”

Greenberg defended the referees and said they would be held accountable but “hanging them out to dry every time they get a close one wrong is not the answer. “

“A public stoning of our match officials won’t lead to improved performance. We have got to do better and I understand that and we are trying to make them do better.

“But in order for that to happen we need to get behind them, we need to give them better analysis, we need to give them expert coaching and we need to give them leadership and confidence and that’s the fundamental shift we need to make.

He said Green handled himself well in the post-match press conference despite the disappointment he must have felt.

“I thought Paul Green handled himself with complete class last night. I think he articulated a viewpoint which was strong and he needs to do that as the head coach of his team.

“He never questioned the integrity of the decision making. He certainly questioned the decision making but not the integrity.

News_Image_File: Johnathan Thurston remonstrates with Gavin Badger after the Kieran Foran try.

“I don’t think he was over the top. I’ve been in situations where your team gets beaten like that and I know it’s emotional. I think he handled himself with class would be how I describe it.”

The officiating howler continues a trend of awful decisions against the NRL club that includes the seventh-tackle try awarded to Cronulla in their semi-final last season and Manly's 'hand of God' try in the sides' finals match in 2013.

Cowboys captain Johnathan Thurston maintained the rage after the game. When asked if he thought his side was hard done by Thurston replied: “Very much so.

“Like I said to Freddy (Fittler), when you're in this jersey and it goes to a video ref, it's a lottery.”

But Green said the Cowboys can't afford to dwell on past refereeing controversies.

“We've got to move past that as a club,"Green said.

“There'll be no talking about 'poor Cowboys, the world is against us'.

“That was just a poor decision. What's disappointing for the game is that decisions like that are deciding outcomes, and that's not good enough.

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