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Victoria lockdown extension FAQ: Melbourne Covid announcement explained

Melbourne’s snap lockdown will now go beyond seven days as the state continues to fight a rapidly spreading outbreak — this is what it means for you.

Back to school for regional Victorian students but not Melbourne

Melbourne’s lockdown has been extended beyond the initial snap seven-day shutdown.

This is what you need to know about the latest changes.

What are the new restrictions?

The government is continuing current restrictions with some tweaks, which means you can only leave home for five reasons.

These are: to shop for food and essential goods and services, for caregiving or compassionate reasons, to exercise outdoors, for authorised work or study or to get a vaccine.

Is the 5km rule back?

Melburnians will now be able to travel further from their primary residence for exercise and shopping, with an expanded 10km radius, with some exceptions.

These exemptions are: to access necessary goods and services if they are not available within your 10km zone, to visit an intimate partner, to visit a person in your “single bubble”, to go to your permitted work or education, to work at an interstate location (where permitted by the other state) or for care and compassionate reasons.

Check what is inside your 10km limit with the Herald Sun’s interactive tracker.

Where do these rules apply?

Metropolitan Melbourne.

When do the restrictions start and how long will they remain in place?

The initial restrictions started at 11.59pm on Thursday, May 27. They have been extended and will remain in place for seven more days until 11.59pm on June 10.

Why have the new rules been introduced?

Health authorities have been alarmed at the speed at which case numbers are rising and fear Melbourne could follow international cities who went from no cases to significant outbreaks.


Do I have to wear a face mask?

Yes. The face mask requirement applies to everyone in Victoria aged 12 years and older.

Masks must be carried at all times and worn indoors and outdoors, except when at home.

Exemptions do apply, including when drinking and eating, or for approved health reasons.


Are schools still open?

Students in years 11 and 12 will return to face-to-face learning, including younger students who are studying a Unit 3/4 subject, while that subject is being taught.

Schools will also stay open to those in the final year of a VCAL or IB qualification, and vulnerable children.

I’m an essential worker. Can my child or children go to school?

Students with working parents with no other options can go to school.

Can I go to university or TAFE?

No. They will move back to remote learning.

There are limited exceptions for some education where it cannot be done off site and is considered urgent, such as first aid training necessary for the Covid response.

Is childcare open?

Childcare, family day care and kindergarten remain open

Masks remain mandatory outside of home, with several exemptions including exercise. Picture: William West
Masks remain mandatory outside of home, with several exemptions including exercise. Picture: William West


Can I still work in the office?

You are permitted to leave home to attend work if you cannot do so from home and you work in a permitted workplace.

If you can do your office job from home, you need to work from home.

What is a permitted workplace?

Some industries relating to healthcare; emergency services; maintaining supply chains for groceries, medical equipment and more; energy, electricity, fuel and waste systems; telecommunications; journalism and broadcasting; essential infrastructure; professional sport; essential research activities; animal welfare; forestry; farming and others are considered essential to daily life.

Some of their workers, who cannot work off-site, are permitted to come into the workplace under certain conditions.

Workers who help sell or provide essential goods or services (see the shopping and retail section below) can also work.

Will construction sites close?

No. Building and construction services can continue.

Additionally, a number of outdoor jobs will be added to the authorised list – including landscaping, painting, installing solar panels, or letterboxing.

Will mining sites close?

No. Mining services including coal mining, oil and gas extraction, metal ore mining, nonmetallic mineral mining and quarrying petroleum production can continue.

Will film sets close?

It depends. If work on a feature film, television and documentary (excluding television commercials, student and corporate productions) is already in physical production on a closed set, or is in post-production relating to it, it may continue.

Will factories close?

It depends. If shutting down will damage or cause a loss to a factory or facility, they can remain open in certain circumstances.

Shops remain open — there is no need to panic-buy. Picture: William West
Shops remain open — there is no need to panic-buy. Picture: William West


What do I need to do if I go to the supermarket or shops?

You can leave home for necessary goods and services. You should stay within your 10km radius, unless the essential goods or service is not available within that.

Only one person per household can go shopping per day, and only one shopping trip is allowed per day.

A support person can accompany the one person if needed.

Do I need to stock up on essential items from the supermarket?

No. Supermarkets will remain open and workers who are essential to the food supply chain will be allowed to work throughout lockdown. There is no need to panic buy.

Can I go to the bottle shop?

Yes. They are considered an essential shop and will be allowed to remain open.

Can I go to Bunnings or Kmart?

Bunnings snags are on hold for now.

You can only go to general retail / non-essential shops for contactless click and collect.

What stores / businesses are allowed to open?

Stores which sell food and groceries can remain open.

This applies to supermarkets, grocery stores, bakeries, butchers, fruit and vegetable stores, fishmongers and outdoor or indoor markets (but only to obtain groceries or fresh food).

Businesses or agencies that provide essential services can remain open too.

This applies to financial institutions, courts, post offices, news agents, chemists, petrol stations, car mechanic, roadside assistance services, locksmith’s, laundry and dry cleaners, commercial cleaners and car parks that provide parking for authorised workers.

Are there density rules at essential shops?

Yes. There can only be one person per 4 sqm.


Can I still go out for dinner?

No. Hospitality venues can do takeaway only.


Can I catch public transport?

Yes. But only if you are leaving your home for a permitted reason.

Can I catch a taxi or ride-share vehicle?

Yes. But only if you are leaving your home for a permitted reason.

Can I go on holiday?

No. A holiday is not an essential reason to leave home.

Melburnians are not allowed to travel to regional Victoria. Picture: Alan Barber
Melburnians are not allowed to travel to regional Victoria. Picture: Alan Barber

Can I book accommodation?

No new bookings are allowed, unless it is for permitted reasons, such as authorised work.

Guests who are already in accommodation may stay onsite.

Can I travel to regional Victoria from Melbourne?

There is no “ring of steel” this time banning travel between regional Victoria and metropolitan Melbourne, but all Victorians must stay within a 10km radius of their home.

Can I go to NSW?

Under the Victorian rules, you cannot travel more than 10km from your home.

NSW has also announced new rules for anyone entering NSW from Victoria.

Under the restrictions, anyone travelling to NSW who has been in Victoria after 4pm on Thursday, May 28, must follow the stay-at-home measures that will apply in Victoria for the seven days. This is the same length of time the measures apply in Victoria.

These rules do not apply to NSW residents who live in the border bubble, so long as their visit to Victoria is confined to the border regions. If they travel further into Victoria, beyond the border regions, the rules will apply to them too.


Can I have a BBQ with my mates in the park?

No. Public gatherings are not allowed.

Is the footy still going ahead?

Permitted sporting events can go ahead, but without crowds.

Can I go to the races?

Permitted thoroughbred, harness and greyhound racing can go ahead, but without crowds.


Can guests visit my home?

No, unless it is deemed essential care.

Can I visit or check in on elderly relatives who need care?


Can my intimate partner visit my home?

Partners living separately can visit each other at home.

I’m single. Can I visit someone?

If you live alone and are single, you can form a “single bubble” with one other person.

You can visit this one person, and this one person only.

Can a tradesperson come to my home?

Yes, for emergency repairs.


What are the rules on exercise?

You can leave your home to exercise alone, with members of your household or with one other person outside your household.

This includes walking, running, bike riding and other types of exercise such as yoga in the park.

You can exercise for up to two hours a day.

Can my kids still play local sport?

No. Nobody can participate in or attend community sport.

Can I go to the gym?

Gyms, health clubs, class-based fitness, studios, barre, spin and indoor personal training facilities are closed.

People can exercise outside for up to two hours a day. Picture: William West
People can exercise outside for up to two hours a day. Picture: William West


Can I take my kids to the local park or playground?

Yes, you can go to the park and keep at least 1.5m away from other people.

Outdoor playgrounds will remain open but it must be within 10km of your home.

Can I go to a hairdresser or beauty salon?


Can I go to the cinema?

No, cinemas and drive-in cinemas are closed.

Can I go to a brothel?

Sex on premises, brothels and sexually explicitly venues are all closed.

Is anything else closed?

Yes, other entertainment and leisure places closed include:

– Tourism spaces

– Tour transport

– Indoor and outdoor fixed seat entertainment

– Non-seated indoor venues

– Non-seated outdoor venues

– Arcades, escape rooms, bingo centres

– Amusement parks

– Casinos

– Retail betting venue and electronic gaming


Can I still get married or go to a wedding?

Weddings are only permitted for deportation or end-of-life reasons.

Limits also apply. Only five people (including the two persons being married, the celebrant and the witnesses) can attend.

What about funerals?

Yes. But they are limited to 10 people. Infants aged under 12 months do not apply to this cap.

Can I attend church?

No. Religious services will be broadcast only.

Aged care workers are among the infected cases in this outbreak. Picture: David Crosling
Aged care workers are among the infected cases in this outbreak. Picture: David Crosling


I’m due to have a baby. Can my partner or a support person be with me?

Yes. You can have one person.

I’m in the hospital or an aged care facility. Can I have visitors?

Visitors are only allowed in limited circumstances, but a parent can accompany a child to the hospital.

Can I visit a family member or friend if they’re in palliative care?

Visitors are allowed in end-of-life circumstances.


Can I leave home for medical care?

Yes. This is a permitted reason to leave home.

I’m booked in for surgery / a procedure. Will it go ahead?

It depends. Emergency surgery and urgent surgery is still allowed but cosmetic surgery or other procedures not addressing significant medical conditions are on hold.

Any cycle of IVF treatment that began before lockdown, a procedure required to preserve eggs for future IVF, or a surgical abortion are allowed.


Can I take my pet to the vet?

Yes. If there is a genuine animal welfare issue.

Can a vet visit my farm?

Yes. If there is a genuine animal welfare issue or for the purposes of artificial insemination.

Can I go to the pet store?

Yes. For essential goods.

Pets can be taken to the vet. Picture: Jake Nowakowski
Pets can be taken to the vet. Picture: Jake Nowakowski


Can I buy a house?

Yes. But all auctions are to be held remotely.

Removalists fall under permitted workers.

Can I go to or host an inspection?



What are the new restrictions?

Regional restrictions are proposed to begin easing from 11:59pm Thursday night.

This will include lifting travel restrictions and the ‘five reasons’ to leave home.

All year levels and all students will return to face-to-face schooling. Public gatherings will increase to ten people.

Restaurants and cafés can reopen to a maximum of 50. Retail, beauty and personal care, entertainment venues and community facilities will also open in line with density limits.

Religious ceremonies and funerals will be capped at 50, weddings at ten.

Is the 5km rule back?

No, regional Victorians will be able to travel across regional Victoria — Melburnians will not.

Where do these rules apply?

Regional Victoria, including Geelong.

When do the restrictions start?

The new restrictions start at 11.59pm on Thursday June 3.

Why have the new rules been introduced?

Because there has been no recent community transmission in regional Victoria.


Do I have to wear a face mask?

Yes. The face mask requirement applies to everyone in Victoria aged 12 years and older.

Masks must be carried at all times and worn indoors and outdoors, except when at home.

Exemptions do apply, including when drinking and eating, or for approved health reasons.


Are schools still open?

All year levels and all students will return to face-to-face schooling.

I’m an essential worker. Can my child or children go to school?

Yes, regional Victorian students will return to face-to-face learning.

Can I go to university or TAFE?

If you can study from home, you should continue to study from home

Is childcare open?

Yes, and kindergardens.

Geelong is among Victoria’s regional cities. Picture: Alan Barber
Geelong is among Victoria’s regional cities. Picture: Alan Barber


Can I still work in the office?

If you can work from home, you should continue to work from home. Capacity limits in workplaces such as offices capped at 50 per cent or 20 people, whichever is greater.

What is a permitted workplace?

Some industries relating to healthcare; emergency services; maintaining supply chains for groceries, medical equipment and more; energy, electricity, fuel and waste systems; telecommunications; journalism and broadcasting; essential infrastructure; professional sport; essential research activities; animal welfare; forestry; farming and others are considered essential to daily life.

Some of their workers, who cannot work off-site, are permitted to come into the workplace under certain conditions.

Workers who help sell or provide essential goods or services (see the shopping and retail section below) can also work.

Will construction sites close?

No. Building and construction services can continue.

Additionally, a number of outdoor jobs will be added to the authorised list – including landscaping, painting, installing solar panels, or letterboxing.

Will mining sites close?

No. Mining services including coal mining, oil and gas extraction, metal ore mining, nonmetallic mineral mining and quarrying petroleum production can continue.

Will film sets close?

It depends. If work on a feature film, television and documentary (excluding television commercials, student and corporate productions) is already in physical production on a closed set, or is in post-production relating to it, it may continue.

Will factories close?

It depends. If shutting down will damage or cause a loss to a factory or facility, they can remain open in certain circumstances.


What do I need to do if I go to the supermarket or shops?

You can, regional Victorians are not privy to ‘five reasons’ to leave home.

Do I need to stock up on essential items from the supermarket?

No. Supermarkets will remain open and workers who are essential to the food supply chain will be allowed to work throughout lockdown. There is no need to panic buy.

Can I go to the bottle shop?

Yes, they are condsidered an essential service.

Can I go to Bunnings or Kmart?

Both are open with a density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm will apply. Service Vic QR code app required to record attendance

What stores / businesses are allowed to open?

General retail and non-essential shops are allowed to open.

Are there density rules at essential shops?

Yes, a density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm will apply.


Can I still go out for dinner?

Yes, restaraunts will be open for seated service only with a maximum patron cap of 50 people per venue.

Group sizes to a maximum of 10 people. Density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm



Can I catch public transport?

Yes, but you must wear a mask while travelling.

Can I catch a taxi or ride share vehicle?

Yes, but you must wear a mask while travelling.

Can I go on holiday?

Regional Victorians can travel within regional Victoria.

Can I book accommodation?

Bookings are permitted for regional Victorians in regional Victoria for single households, intimate partners or nominated single social bubble person.

Can I travel to Melbourne from regional Victoria?

Yes but only for permitted reasons.

Can I go to NSW?

Yes, but regional Victoria’s restrictions must be followed.

Melbourne’s lockdown has been extended. Picture: Daniel Pockett/Getty Images
Melbourne’s lockdown has been extended. Picture: Daniel Pockett/Getty Images


Can I have a BBQ with my mates in the park?

Yes, but only up to 10 people can attend.

Can I go to the races?

Permitted thoroughbred, harness and greyhound racing can go ahead, but without crowds.


Can guests visit my home?

No, home visits are still not permitted.

Can I visit or check in on elderly relatives who need care?


Can my intimate partner visit my home?


I’m single. Can I visit someone?

If you live alone and are single, you can form a “single bubble” with one other person.

You can visit this one person, and this one person only.

Can a tradesperson come to my home?



What are the rules on exercise?

Regional Victorians are not under the two-hour exercise limits.

Can my kids still play local sport?

Children’s sport will be permitted in Victoria.

Can I go to the gym?

No, gyms will remain closed.


Can I take my kids to the local park or playground?


Can I go to a hairdresser or beauty salon?

Yes, for services where you can keep a mask on. Density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm applies.

Can I go to the cinema?

Indoor cinemas are closed, drive-in cinemas are open to a maximum of 50 people per venue (stay in vehicles). Density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm applies

Can I go to a brothel?

No, brothels remain closed.

Is anything else closed?

Non-seated indoor venues, casinos and electronic gaming venues are among those which will remain closed.

People getting their exercise at Geelong waterfront on Sunday. Picture: Alan Barber
People getting their exercise at Geelong waterfront on Sunday. Picture: Alan Barber


Can I still get married or go to a wedding?

Weddings are permitted with no more than 10 people (including the two

people being married, celebrant, two witnesses).

These settings apply to any venue in which a wedding is held,

except for private residences where private gathering limits apply

What about funerals?

Funerals are permitted with no more than 50 people (and those necessary

to conduct the funeral).

Children under 12 months old are not counted towards this cap.

Can I attend church?

Religious gatherings are permitted for up to 50 people per venue, density quotient of 1 person per 4 sqm applies.


I’m due to have a baby. Can my partner or a support person be with me?


I’m in the hospital or an aged care facility. Can I have visitors?

Visitors are only allowed in limited circumstances, but a parent can accompany a child to the hospital.

Can I visit a family member or friend if they’re in palliative care?

Visitors are allowed in end-of-life circumstances.


Can I leave home for medical care?


I’m booked in for surgery / a procedure. Will it go ahead?

It depends. Emergency surgery and urgent surgery is still allowed but cosmetic surgery or other procedures not addressing significant medical conditions are on hold.

Any cycle of IVF treatment that began before lockdown, a procedure required to preserve eggs for future IVF, or a surgical abortion are allowed.

Queues for walk-up Covid vaccinations the Old Ford Factory. Picture: Mike Dugdale
Queues for walk-up Covid vaccinations the Old Ford Factory. Picture: Mike Dugdale


Can I take my pet to the vet?


Can a vet visit my farm?


Can I go to the pet store?

Yes, but density restrictions will apply.


Can I buy a house?

Yes and removalists fall under permitted workers.

Can I go to or host an inspection?

Inspections and auctions are open with a maximum patron cap of 50 people per venue. Density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm applies.

Originally published as Victoria lockdown extension FAQ: Melbourne Covid announcement explained

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