
Backroom Baz: Brad Battin missing in action during significant news week

The Opposition call Jacinta Allan a “part-time Premier” but what will they come up with for Brad Battin, who was nowhere to be seen as the state government unveiled its plan to tackle youth crime.

Victorian Opposition Leader Brad Battin was missing in action this week. Picture: Diego Fedele
Victorian Opposition Leader Brad Battin was missing in action this week. Picture: Diego Fedele

Members of the Opposition have for months been trying to get the nickname part-time Premier to stick in relation to Jacinta Allan. What then will they come up with for Opposition Leader Brad Battin who, after just 10 weeks in the top job, was missing in action this week, enjoying a mini getaway with his wife. Now, a holiday for a bloke who works seven days a week as standards nothing that would normally bother the troops. But the secrecy around the getaway got more than a few of his colleagues’ noses out of joint, given they claim they were never told he was taking a break. Matters weren’t helped when the week fast turned into one of the most significant in many months as the government unveiled a suite of justice reforms to tackle the youth crime crisis.

Acting leader Sam Groth also failed to front a press conference this week. Picture: David Crosling
Acting leader Sam Groth also failed to front a press conference this week. Picture: David Crosling

Cue furious Liberals who say Battin has made his first major fumble by delaying the rollout of his own crime policies so long, he has now missed the opportunity to capitalise on his one true area of expertise. It is worrying signs for the new administration when some rusted on Battin supporters are now privately wondering just what has changed since he took the reins? And with 20 months left until the next general election, they are seriously starting to question whether there is enough time to get themselves into a winning position. The lack of policy and campaign infrastructure is starting to worry some key players. But it was the truly bizarre handling of the getaway that has really got some scratching their heads. As for where he went, no one knows. Regional Victoria? Queensland? China? And another question. Where was acting Liberal leader Sam Groth this week. Baz noted he didn’t front a press conference.

Unanswered questions over Chinese Community event

It has been said that nothing so diminishes democracy so much as secrecy.

So just what was going on inside the Box Hill Town Hall this week, where China’s favourite Victorian Daniel Andrews joined some federal and state MPs and wannabes to speak at a Chinese Community event?

The night was billed as an evening to discuss issues of concern to the Chinese community, and efforts by the ALP to improve relations between China and Australia. All seems fair enough.

China’s favourite Victorian Daniel Andrews appeared at the event. Picture: David Crosling
China’s favourite Victorian Daniel Andrews appeared at the event. Picture: David Crosling

But why then was anyone not, er, appearing, Chinese, barred from entering the event. Baz is told about 60 interested locals were denied entry to the event, despite holding tickets to attend.

“The people on the door refused entry, would not give a name of the organiser to register any complaint to, and then simply turned their backs on those who wanted answers,” one person refused entry told Baz.

“Disgracefully, the police in attendance didn’t want to know about it. They just stood blocking the entry, only allowing those of Chinese appearance inside.”

Now, it would appear people were excluded entry because of their apparent race, and Baz has been unable to find anyone who can explain why.

But it poses some fair questions. What was being discussed? Why was it a Chinese only event? And most importantly, why won’t anyone tell us?

Guy unleashes on Victorian Electoral Commission

What is it with state electoral bodies right now? There were calls for WA electoral commissioner Robert Kennedy to be suspended this week over “unacceptable” stuff ups in that state’s election last weekend. Ballot paper shortages, long queues, the current normal. Well he’s not the only one facing an angry backlash. Enter Liberal MP Matthew Guy, who’s now in charge of preparing the Coalition’s transition to government plans, who unloaded on the Victorian Electoral Commission in an impassioned parliamentary speech recently.

Matthew Guy wants the VEC either abolished or removed from future by-elections. Picture: Arsineh Houspian
Matthew Guy wants the VEC either abolished or removed from future by-elections. Picture: Arsineh Houspian

And he has good reason, given the VEC and former commissioner Warwick Gately referred an investigation involving Guy and his former chief of staff, Mitch Catlin, to the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission. Smack, bang, in the middle of the 2022 election campaign, no less. “They had a lot of questions to answer given their utterly partial behaviour at the 2022 election,” Guy said. “As members of parliament, we need an electoral commission that operates utterly impartially … what we saw in 2022 was utter incompetence.” And how does Guy think we should proceed from here? By “either abolishing or removing the VEC from future by-elections or elections in this term coming up” and to employ the AEC instead. Watch this space!

More care needed for GP branding

It’s the biggest show in town, and will be watched by up to 50 million viewers around the globe. And with all eyes on Melbourne, Baz hopes all involved are a little more careful with where they position themselves in relation to any GP branding.

With the tagline “expect nothing less” danger is only a body width away, as Baz discovered when a GP car was on display at Parliament House during the last sitting week, with a poorly placed tow truck driver drastically altering the message to read “Melbourne: expect nothing”.

Now, it may be what disillusioned locals have come to expect of the once great city, but in the efforts of global marketing, the message is at best confusing, and at worst off-putting. How many consultants, at what cost, will be brought in to fix that one?

Passion for cycling nearly derails Liberal MP

Alternative treasurer James Newbury has been pedalling his way through the news cycle lately, leading Brighton mums into protest and hounding Labor on youth crime.

But when he’s not busy steering local events or spinning a news yarn, the Liberal MP can be found in a different saddle. Five times a week – outside work hours, of course – Baz has been told Newbury hits the beachfront bike path to St Kilda on his prized bike, all the while chatting on the phone with journalists and colleagues.

It might be time for James Newbury to shift gears and find a new hobby. Picture: David Caird
It might be time for James Newbury to shift gears and find a new hobby. Picture: David Caird

However, his passion for cycling nearly derailed him last week when he had a close call with a speeding driver. Newbury was anything but amused, with a Spring St regular on the phone at the time noting that he wasn’t shy about yelling a few choice words as the car zoomed off.

Baz hears the close call comes just months after he was knocked off his bike in another incident. Baz is yet to as certain whether it was a member of His Majesty’s government or opposition who knocked him off. Perhaps it’s time for the member for Brighton to shift gears and find a new hobby before he faces another bumpy ride.

Magic wand no fix for Pesutto

With the never-ending story of the legal saga that is John Pesutto versus Moira Deeming, Baz couldn’t help but laugh when he saw this picture pop up during the week.

Pesutto can’t make his legal bill disappear.
Pesutto can’t make his legal bill disappear.

Days after he was back in court arguing over an estimated $2.4m in Deeming costs he’s up for, the former Opposition Leader was out conducting a local choir.

One less than kind colleague remarked he appeared to be holding a magic wand. If only. Abracadabra, make this legal bill disappear!

Guess who

Which minor party has proposed a name change to the Liberal Democratic Party?


“I’m deeply sorry for the hurt and pain and trauma that victims have experienced in any instance of crime.” Jacinta Allan makes a rare political apology while unveiling her government’s promise to crackdown on crime.

Originally published as Backroom Baz: Brad Battin missing in action during significant news week

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