1/92023 Townsville Swap Meet: Tom Boom was selling a $7,500 360 Dodge engine at the swap meet
PHOTOS: Townsville’s Swap Meeting
Restoration tragics from across Townsville converged on the showgrounds this Sunday to swap, buy, and sell ‘gold’ - aka, shed junk.
2/92023 Townsville Swap Meet: Braxon and Jason Wenborn from Mareeba, with John Detourbet from Gordonvale.
3/92023 Townsville Swap Meet: A 1943 Ford GPW owned by the Sellen family - a type of early Jeep. This car was delivered to the Australian Army in 1944 for the Northern Command.
4/92023 Townsville Swap Meet: Townsville Combined Motor Club' Swap Committee chairman Rick Carbis
5/92023 Townsville Swap Meet: Vintage motocross racer Russell Ralph from Hervey Range.
6/92023 Townsville Swap Meet: Dennis and Jill Brown with their 1951 MG TD
7/92023 Townsville Swap Meet: Jeremy Foster with part of a Holden diff
8/92023 Townsville Swap Meet: Stan Redhead with his '62 Holden EK sedan
9/92023 Townsville Swap Meet: Rebecca Camm from Townsville Collectables, holding a pink truck miniature
Original URL: https://www.couriermail.com.au/news/townsville/photos-townsvilles-swap-meeting/image-gallery/5bc4f8317114870ceb7679e3fa45ce09