
North Queensland man Matana Tefata Moe sentenced in Townsville District Court for armed robbery of kids, assaulting pregnant woman

A grown man lured, then robbed kids at knifepoint days after making shocking threats to stab a pregnant woman and her unborn baby.

North Queensland man Matana Tefata Moe was sentenced in Townsville District Court for armed robbery of kids, assaulting pregnant woman. Photo: Istock
North Queensland man Matana Tefata Moe was sentenced in Townsville District Court for armed robbery of kids, assaulting pregnant woman. Photo: Istock

With a shirt wrapped around his head and flanked by associates in balaclavas, a man robbed two children at knifepoint, just days after he assaulted and threatened a pregnant woman.

Matana Tefata Moe appeared via video link in Townsville District Court on Tuesday morning after he lured a pair of children to a spot where he then robbed them and left them “frightened” all while he was on probation.

Crown prosecutor Laura Moore said the 22-year-old used a third-party who was mutual friends with the kids to find their location, which she labelled as “manipulative and sophisticated”.

“While the property that was taken wasn’t of a high value it consisted of shoes, a watch and headphones,” she said.

The court was told the man had rode up to the 13 and 14 year old on a bike and kept a hand in his backpack to imply he was armed with a weapon before he said “give me all your sh-t” and rifled through their bags.

Townsville Court House. Picture: Shae Beplate.
Townsville Court House. Picture: Shae Beplate.

Judge Brad Farr SC recounted some of the offence details and said the man also said, “If you come back on my block you’ll regret it”.

He said one of the young boys had a folded knife in their bag which Moe took and held over them in a threatening way.

The crown explained that just days before the robbery Moe grabbed a pregnant woman known to him by the arm and dragged her to the ground before shaking her.

He also left a string of violent messages on the woman’s phone which included him making threats to stab her and her unborn child.

Ms Moore said it was evident he had no regard to court orders.

“There’s concerning features of violence he has shown women with whom he’s been in domestic relationships with,” she said.

‘Absolute disgust’ – defence says

Defence barrister Ross Malcomson said he wanted to immediately tell the court that Moe had reflected on his actions during their discussions.

“I acknowledge his absolute disgust to the subject offending both the robbery offences, particularly given the age disparity and the actions towards his then partner,” he said.

Mr Malcomson said the 299 days Moe has spent in jail has been the first time behind bars and it had given him time to reflect on the “error of his ways” and wanted to convey apologies to everyone involved.

The defence barrister said Moe grew up with a dysfunctional family having lived in Sydney with his father for some time and wishes to relocate to Townsville or Cairns following his release from custody.

His Honour Judge Farr emphasised the violent nature of the offending towards the woman.

“You would have to be living under a rock to know society is sick of people behaving in a domestic violent way,” he said.

He referred to the robbery as “cowardly conduct”.

“There were four of you, you were 21 and exerted your physical dominance over a 13 and 14-year-old, it would’ve been frightening for those kids,” he said.

Moe pleaded guilty to two counts of armed robbery and one count of common assault.

He was sentenced to three years and six months jail, His Honour declared the 299 days spent in pre-sentence custody as time already served and set his parole eligibility date to September 17.

Originally published as North Queensland man Matana Tefata Moe sentenced in Townsville District Court for armed robbery of kids, assaulting pregnant woman

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