
Toowoomba teacher takes on ultra-marathon challenge

Teacher laces up running shoes for ultra sized challenge

Yolande Willemse crosses the finish line of last year's Ultra Trail Australia 100km event held in the New South Wales Blue Mountains.
Yolande Willemse crosses the finish line of last year's Ultra Trail Australia 100km event held in the New South Wales Blue Mountains.

ULTRA RUNNING : Yolande Willemse is proof of what a positive mindset and dedication can achieve.

It’s not unusual for the 40-year-old teacher to run 100km a week – maintaining her health and fitness in preparation for ultra marathon events.

Growing up on the Drakensberg escarpment in a town called Volksrust (South Africa), Willemse had an adventurer’s spirit.

“Running was part of my life when I was growing up. I loved it,” Willemse said.

“I loved being out in nature, but as I grew older I had to stop, it wasn’t safe to be out anymore.

“I ran at home but I felt like I was chained to the treadmill, it wasn’t the same.”

A move to Australia in 2008 reignited Willemse’s passion for running and eventually her love for ultra-marathons.

“I entered a few different events and found my passion again,” she said.

“We are so blessed, particularly here in Toowoomba, to have such wonderful landscapes to enjoy.

“And we also have wonderful organisations like the Toowoomba Road Runners which are very encouraging and supportive.”

Progressing through half and full marathon distances, Willemse believes she has found her niche in the ultra-marathon community.

Earlier this year, she finished the Tarawera Ultra Marathon (102km with a 3089m vertical elevation gain in New Zealand) in time of 15 hours, 33 minutes and 54 seconds.

She also ran the 2019 Ultra Trail Australia 100km – 4400m vertical elevation gain in the Blue Mountains – Katoomba) finishing in 16 hours, 23 minutes and 35 seconds.

“I’d still love to run something like the Boston Marathon, that’s a dream of mine, but I feel like I’m better suited to ultras,” she said.

“I think you have to be young and fast for marathons.

“It (ultras) are about relentless forward progress for me.

“I just think about completing the section I’m on, making sure I get to the next aid station, and then I focus on the next section.

“I don’t like to hike too much. If I can run the section I run it.

“I love the community as well.

“You can go to an event and be standing next to the greatest athletes in the world and they treat like an equal.

“Earlier this year (pre COVID-19 restrictions), I entered the Tarawera ultra. My husband had commitments so I travelled by myself to New Zealand.

“I never once felt lonely though, everyone was so welcoming and supportive.

“I think it’s very important to surround yourself with positive people, it’s not helpful if you have negative people around you who question what you’re doing and have negative energy.”

Willemse will lace up her boots for the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail 50 Mile (80km) this weekend – a welcome relief after the COVID-19 pandemic cancelled so many events.

“So many events were cancelled over the past few months because of the pandemic,” she said.

“I kept running, though. I do a few smaller runs during the week and a bigger one on a Sunday.

“Normally I try to involve my kids – they’ll ride along with me on the longer run.

“I’m really looking forward to the Brisbane Valley 50.

“The good thing is I’ve been able to have a look at the route.

“Normally I only have time to arrive, prepare and run.

“Being so close, I’ve had the chance to check it out, there’s not a lot of elevation but it will be a challenge.”

BVRT 50 runners will start at Toogoolawah at midnight on July 25 – finishing at Ipswich Grammar School.

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