
The Darling Downs nursing homes that failed audits

THERE are three Darling Downs aged care facilities that failed audits by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission in 2018/19.


THERE are three Darling Downs aged care facilities that failed audits by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission in 2018/19. 

Churches of Christ Care Warwick

Failed quality standard for medication management on 17 June 2019. Deadline to improve by 26 August 2019.

"Care recipients' medication is not managed safely and correctly at the service … processes to ensure adequate supplies of … prescribed medication have not been maintained. Staff practices to do not support the safe and correct administration of medication.''

Churches of Christ response: "While they did not result in serious harm or risk to residents, Churches of Christ Care take any concerns extremely seriously, whether they are raised directly with us or through the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.

"At each of these services, Churches of Christ Care was able to swiftly and adequately rectify the concern, either within 48 hours of it being raised, or within the time period set by the Commission. All Churches of Christ Care services are currently fully accredited by the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission."

Kaloma Home for the Aged - Goondiwindi

FAILED quality standards for medication management and living environment on 20 March 2019. Now compliant.

"Care recipients' medications are not managed safely and correctly. Medications are not consistently administered at prescribed times and medication supplies are not consistently available to ensure they are administered according to medical officers' directives. The services's environment and management practices do not reflect the safety needs of care recipients in relation to care recipients who smoke cigarettes and those who are restrained.''

Kaloma response: "Kaloma was re-audited on 14 May 2019 and achieved 44/44 of the expected outcomes. We live our Mission and care very much about those in our care and no resident was at risk of harm. Kaloma was fully compliant in a short space of time, we acted swiftly to address these issues and at no time was any resident at risk of harm.

"There were a number of unsigned medications as Kaloma used paper based charts at the time of audit and while the medications were given the signature was missed. By using (a new) software program we no longer have unsigned medications as the software does not allow the person administrating the medication to move on to the next resident without all medications being signed for.

"Time pressures, excessive reporting responsibilities and inadequate funding are common to all aged care homes and are especially felt by rural and remote homes. However, this does not negate the fact that this was our responsibility to have had addressed. We did and we continue to do so.''

Southern Cross Care Chinchilla - Illoura Village

DEEMED a "serious risk" to residents in February after failing three quality standards in February.

Southern Cross Care Response: "On 30 April 2019, the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission visited our Iloura facility and reported that the facility was fully compliant with all 44 aged care standards.

"This followed a visit in January 2019 where auditors of the ACQSC identified three areas of concern. These areas were remedied immediately by Southern Cross Care (Qld).

"We are pleased that the ACQSC has endorsed the measures we took in response to its earlier report, finding that Iloura was fully compliant with all standards. Southern Cross Care (Qld) will continue to build on the improvements that have been made."

Signification number of people in aged care are malnourished: Age Discrimination Commissioner

Originally published as The Darling Downs nursing homes that failed audits

Read related topics:Aged Care

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