
The Courier Mail Children's Fund. Photo: News Corp

The Courier-Mail Children’s Fund

The Courier-Mail Children’s Fund has proudly contributed generously to dozens of Queensland children’s charities to help kids in need.

Applications for funding are regularly reviewed to support our commitment to change lives for the better.

The Fund was established in the early 1900s as a way for Queensland Newspapers staff to give back to the community.

One of the initial campaigns over 100 years ago, was the annual ‘Santa’s Toy Sack’ drive which gathered toys in the lead up to Christmas for children in Queensland hospitals.

Over the years, it has evolved, expanding the number of children it helps across a more diverse range of issues.

While continuing to provide strategic grant funding for important projects, The Courier-Mail Children’s Fund is drawing on its extensive knowledge, skill base and its media know-how to provide selected charities with a program that delivers not only funding, but also media support to maximise the impact.

The Fund maximises its impact and efficiency by only directing its funds to registered charities that demonstrate they have the specialist skills and knowledge to deliver high-value, life-changing programs to children in need.

The following charities have received funding from The Courier-Mail Children’s Fund in recent years.


The Courier Mail Children's Fund. Photo: Supplied
The Courier Mail Children's Fund. Photo: Supplied

Read Mateoh’s story here.


Every Step Foundation founder and co-director Christine Meyer said the bikes helped her son James, 6, overcome the physical and social barriers of cerebral palsy.
Every Step Foundation founder and co-director Christine Meyer said the bikes helped her son James, 6, overcome the physical and social barriers of cerebral palsy.

A Brisbane charity launched a loan pool of revolutionary mobility bikes for kids, with the help of a donation from The Courier-Mail Children’s Fund.

Every Step Foundation bought a fleet of “Race­Runner” bikes, which are available to mobility-impaired children across the state, providing an opportunity to run for those who couldn’t previously walk.


Mia Wilkinson after receiving the donation for her new legs
Mia Wilkinson after receiving the donation for her new legs

Read Mia’s story here.


The Zephyr Foundation helps kids in domestic violence situations
The Zephyr Foundation helps kids in domestic violence situations

Read the story about the Zephyr Foundation here.


Braille House helps kids with vision loss
Braille House helps kids with vision loss

Read the Braille House story here.

There are a number of ways you can support The Courier-Mail Children’s Fund as they work to change the lives of Queensland children in need:

• Donate

• Attend an event

• Do some fundraising as a group, a company or an individual

• Encourage your employer to become a corporate supporter

• Sign your own company up to be a corporate supporter


Donations can be made by cheque or money order to:

The Secretary

The Courier-Mail Children’s Fund

GPO Box 163,

Brisbane Qld 4001

An acknowledgment and receipt will be issued.

As a registered charitable organization with donor gift recipient (DGR) status all donations made over $2 made to the Courier-Mail Children’s Fund are tax deductible.

We are committed to carefully selecting charities to receive funding and support, in a transparent manner, based on performance against metrics that are on public record. Individuals and organisations making donations to our Fund can do so confidently, in the knowledge that we will only welcome charities that meet our criteria into our program.

To donate online, click the banner above or this link


The Courier-Mail Children’s Fund runs fundraising events from time to time.

You can help show your support by attending, having a great time, and making a donation on the day/night.

Don’t want to wait?

Contact us to find out about hosting your own event where all proceeds go directly to the Courier-Mail Children’s Fund.


Fundraising can be as simple as a gold coin donation for a Casual Friday event or as complicated as a group skydive or long distance trek or anything in between.

The only limitation is your imagination.

Before launching into a fundraising event on behalf of The Courier-Mail Children’s Fund it is important to contact us to discuss the nature of your event, use of our brand, confirmation that all proceeds are coming to the fund, and the processes around reporting and accountability.


Many companies and organisations are seeking to do more good in the community.

For some this might be in the form of a formal corporate social responsibility or designated charity program, and in others it can be a more casual event-by-event approach.

We welcome support from companies and organisations with a shared commitment to helping Queensland children in need.

Please contact us for more information.


All applications are made via online form.

Applications can be made at any time. The Courier-Mail Children’s Fund Board meet periodically to assess applications.

Please read the information below completely and carefully before beginning your application


The Courier-Mail Children’s Fund exists to change the lives of Queensland children in need.

Our application process is designed to ensure the way in which we choose charities to receive funds. We want to ensure the selection process for awarding of fund monies is above reproach.

The application process centres on the completion of an online form.

Your answers to the questions will help The Courier-Mail Children’s Fund decide whether your charity and our Fund will make a good combination, as we work to help as many Queensland children in need as possible.

We are mindful of the time it takes to compile information and apply for grants, and that this draws upon valuable human resources. Please know we have limited the number of questions to those we regard as essential to make an informed assessment of your application.


In order to apply, your organisation must:

- Be working to change the lives of Queensland children in need

- Be a registered charity with the Australian Charity and Not-for-profit Commission (ACNC)

- Have Donor Gift Recipient (DGR) status

- Have met all your current reporting obligations with the ACNC

- Be of good standing


The following organisations are currently supporting The Courier-Mail Children’s Fund in our mission to help Queensland children in need.

Thank you to The Courier Mail Children's Fund supporters.
Thank you to The Courier Mail Children's Fund supporters.


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