IT’s just the size of a fridge. But it has the potential to be humanity’s most significant invention yet.
It’s named TESS, for Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite.
And it could lead us to alien life.
It was just 1995 when the first planet was spotted orbiting a distant sun.
By a decade ago, we’d found about 100.
Since then we’ve located 3758 worlds, with another 2500 as yet unconfirmed.
Most of these discoveries are thanks to the Kepler space telescope. Its 95 megapixel digital camera has revolutionised astrophysics. We now know planets are common. Almost every star appears to be home to at least a few worlds.
But Kepler’s days are over.
After suffering a serious technical failure in 2013, it has managed to continue planet hunting through some creative thinking by its operators.
Now it’s almost out of fuel.
By the middle of 2018, its instruments will go dark.
But now TESS — with a dramatically improved ability to observe broad swathes of the skies — is stepping up to the plate.
The Kepler Mission has changed our universe.
It’s hard to believe that little more than 15 years ago we had little idea whether there were other planets out there.
Was our Solar System some kind of interstellar oddity?
Were most worlds made of gas, like Jupiter and Neptune? Were most worlds rocky, like Earth and Mars? Or were they superheated greenhouses, like Venus?
What kind of stars had planets? And how many? Or were planets of any kind rare?
Now, we know they’re everywhere.
Launched in 2009, Kepler’s one-metre telescope was built to sense tiny dips in the brightness of distant stars. It’s so sensitive that, from its orbit, it could sense the shadow of a fly buzzing around a light globe on the Earth below.
Kepler was pointed to just one patch of sky. Most of the planets it has discovered comes from an area of the Milky Way that appears little bigger than our Moon.
That patch holds 150,000 stars.
It found at least 2600 planets there, some orbiting stars up to 3000 light years away.
About 30 of these are roughly the size of Earth, and just warm enough to hold liquid water.
They could hold life.
“This project revolutionised the study of planets outside our Solar System,” says Curtin University’s radio astronomy expert Dr Steven Tingay.
Kepler has spotted these worlds through the telltale flicker of light caused as they pass in front of their star. Each flicker — or transit — can tell us a lot, from the approximate size of a planet, through to what it’s likely made of and whether or not it has an atmosphere.
“Now, with the fuel gauge near empty, the business of planet hunting is winding down and the spacecraft will be left adrift in the solar system,” writes Kepler Science Team assistant professor Jason Steffen. “The final catalogue of planet candidates from the original mission was completed late last year and the last observations of K2 are wrapping up.
“Squeezing what knowledge we can from those data will continue for years to come, but what we’ve seen thus far has amazed scientists across the globe.”
Kepler’s successor, TESS, starts off with a two-year mission.
In that time, it’s expected to achieve more than its older cousin.
“We learnt from Kepler that there are more planets than stars in our sky, and now TESS will open our eyes to the variety of planets around some of the closest stars,” Astrophysics Division director Paul Hertz says.
Unlike Kepler, TESS will scan almost the entire night sky. Its four 16.8 megapixel cameras will monitor some 200,000 stars — giving priority to those that are relatively bright and close out to a distance of some 300 light-years.
“It’s going to help us answer a really important question, and that is, ‘Which of our nearest stellar neighbours has planets?” NASA astrophysicist Elisa Quintana says.
Based on what we’ve learnt from Kepler, it is anticipated TESS will find 20,000 new exoplanets within its first two years. About 50 of these are expected to be roughly Earth-sized.
“By surveying the whole sky, we will find systems that orbit stars 10 times closer and 100 times brighter than those found by Kepler,” says assistant professor Stepen. “(This will open) up new possibilities for measuring planet masses and densities, studying their atmospheres, characterising their host stars, and establishing the full nature of the systems in which the planets reside.”
TESS will be exploiting the same telltale dip in a star’s brightness Kepler has been.
But its four-camera array is far more sensitive.
“TESS is opening a door for a whole new kind of study,” says TESS project scientist Stephen Rinehart.
It will offer more detail, and more accuracy, from a selection of stars all across our night sky. Like Kepler, this data will be used to infer details about planets: mass, size, density and atmospheres.
And it’s hoped it will be able to keep up the job for much longer than Kepler did.
TESS doesn’t need fuel to keep it on station. It’s in an orbit that will keep its cameras pointing out into space for a long time to come.
Given ongoing funding, TESS could stay operational for up to 20 years. Ultimately, it is expected to find 10s of thousands of new planets.
“We’re going to be able study individual planets and start talking about the differences between planets,” Rinehart says. “The targets TESS finds are going to be fantastic subjects for research for decades to come. It’s the beginning of a new era of exoplanet research.”
We’ve already seen things we wouldn't perviously have believed.
“We have seen some planets that orbit their host stars in only a few hours and are so hot that the surface rock vaporises and trails behind the planet like a comet tail,” assistant-professor Steffen says. “Other systems have planets so close together that if you were to stand on the surface of one, the second planet would appear larger than 10 full moons.”
But, most excitingly, some of Kepler’s worlds are potentially habitable.
TESS’ sensors have been optimised to find planets in the “Goldilocks Zone”.
It’s in this wet, warm space that we expect to find life — as we know it.
But its likely to be unlike anything we know.
We’ve learnt enough already to know that our Solar System is the odd one out.
Earth 2.0 isn’t likely to be the first place we find life.
Exoplanets are only confirmed once they have been detected making several transits.
This technique works very well for small, cool red dwarf stars. Their planets orbit very close. Worlds within the potentially habitable ‘Goldilocks Zone’ (where water can exist as liquid, not just as steam or ice) could be quickly identified as they zip around in a matter of days or weeks.
When it comes to larger, hotter stars — things are tougher. Our planet takes 365 days to orbit our Sun. So it would take several years to pin-down an “Earth 2.0” orbiting a similar G-type yellow dwarf to our own.
So far, we’ve found surprisingly few.
This means the odds are potentially much higher for us finding life around stars very different to our own. And that life would have undergone a wildly different set of evolutionary pressures.
This is why TESS will largely study red dwarfs.
“There’s no science that will tell us life is out there right now, except that small rocky planets appear to be incredibly common,” TESS Science Team deputy director Sara Seager says. “They appear to be everywhere we look. So it’s got to be there somewhere.”
The challenge is to find the best place to start looking.
Kepler tells us that is likely to be on planets orbiting red dwarfs.
These stars appear, on average, to have twice as many worlds as any other star. They’re also 10 times more common in the Milky Way galaxy than our Sun’s type.
But the jury remains out as to whether or not red dwarf stars are capable of harbouring life.
Their planets orbit close. And the stars tend to be volatile in their youth — blasting their solar systems with deadly flares. The planets that orbit them are also likely to be tidal-locked, meaning the same face always points towards the star. Such planets are likely to be eternally searing hot on one size, and blistering cold on the other.
But life has a tendency to find a way.
“We will be very interested in looking at what TESS discovers — if it finds good Earth-like candidates close to our Solar System,” Curtin University’s Dr Tingay says.
His team has been using radio telescopes in follow-up studies to Kepler exoplanet discoveries to search for signs of intelligent life among the radio waves.
“This work has used the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA), and we will continue it with the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) when it is built,” he says.
While the successors to Kepler, TESS is itself still a pathfinder.
It won’t be analysing the tiny traces of light that pass through each planet’s atmosphere.
Instead, its data will be used to help prioritise targets for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) once it finally gets into space in 2020.
“TESS is kind of like a scout,” deputy manager of TESS Objects of Interest Natalia Guerrero says.
“We’re on this scenic tour of the whole sky, and in some ways we have no idea what we will see,” Guerrero says. “It’s like we’re making a treasure map: Here are all these cool things. Now, go after them.”
The JWST is to be the successor to Hubble.
Many times more powerful, it’s hoped the JWST will be able take direct looks at some of the nearer exoplanets to “see” if they are habitable.
It will do this through looking for water vapour — and the types of short-lived gases that are likely only produced as the by-products of life.
This life could be hidden in the watery ‘twilight zones’ of tidal-locked red star worlds — in the soil, mud and seas. JWST will know its there — if it can find what are called “biosignatures”. These includes otherwise unsustainable amounts of oxygen and methane in an atmosphere.
But the incredibly expensive $US8 billion JWST has been repeatedly delayed.
It’s not expected to be launched until 2020.
Now, it has competition.
The enormous ground-based 39.3m Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) and the 24.5m Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) are also expected to open their eyes in the 2020s.
Like the JWST, these can pick apart the light passing through exoplanet atmospheres into their component colours. This spectra carries signs of the chemical composition of the gas it has passed through.
All will be looking at prime candidates for life presented to them by Kepler, and TESS.
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