
Australia’s defence force: Is it up to the job?

Australia’s strategic think-tanks are up in arms over how to contend with our increasingly unstable region. Is the F-35 stealth fighter up to the task? Do we need an aircraft carrier? Can we trust our allies to be there when we need them?

In essence, is the Australian Defence Force up to the challenges of coming decades?

The Lowy Institute and the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) have been grappling with this question in recent weeks.

They reveal deep divides in opinion over the shape our military force posture must take, and the decisions future defence ministers must make.

The first of Australia’s F-35A stealth fighters have just entered operational service. But they are not strike aircraft, like the decommissioned F-111. Nor are they interceptors, like the United States F-22 and China’s J-11.

And much of Australia’s military thinking is focused on the rapid deployment of troops and tanks via a naval amphibious task force.

The problem is, how do we prevent these naval assets — and the soldiers and sailors they carry — from being left dangerously exposed?

ASPI analysts have an answer: modify our thinking and spending to buy an aircraft carrier, and jump-jet F-35Bs to support them.

But the Lowy Institute’s International Security Program director Sam Roggeveen disagrees.

He has serious doubts about the Australian Defence Force’s emphasis on amphibious warfare.

“It seems the main justification for Australia to extend its F-35 capability further outward is to support an amphibious warfare capability which we don’t really need, and which would be too dangerous to use against even a moderately competent adversary,” he writes.


Australia’s defence force exists ‘to deter, deny and defeat any attempt by a hostile country or non-state actor to attack, threaten or coerce Australia’.

That’s the crisp, clean and concise outline as presented by the 2016 Defence White Paper.

Achieving that goal is an entirely different matter.

But things are changing fast. Worse, it’s a moving target.

ASPI’s border security analyst John Coyne warns: “Over the past three decades, many of the factors that have shaped the assumptions of our ‘defence of Australia’ strategies have changed substantially, and often deteriorated.”

And yet, the military we possess today is the outcome of that 30-year-old thinking — the 1987 Defence White Paper.

It was an era when the Cold War might of the Soviet Union was contracting into a greatly diminished Russia.

It was an era when Communist China appeared to be relaxing into the role of international citizen, even as its economy showed the first signs of its subsequent meteoric growth. Then, China represented 5 per cent of our exports. Now, it takes 30 per cent.

And it’s no longer behaving like a responsible international citizen.

“Over the past decade, the defence technology advantages in the region that Australia once enjoyed have rapidly eroded,” Mr Coyne writes. “China continues to reform, build and modernise its military, and it isn’t the only one in our region doing so.”

And Beijing pulls no punches about its intentions to use it.

“Chinese President Xi Jinping declared that ‘the task of building a powerful navy has never been as urgent as it is today’ and urged the PLAN to ‘prepare for war’,” NSW Liberal Senator and former major general Jim Molan told ASPI. “Chinese military leaders talk often and openly about the PLAN’s ambition ‘to gain an ability like the US Navy so that it can conduct different operations globally’, and about how to defeat the US in the Pacific by sinking its aircraft carriers … This is not about the South China Sea or other territorial waters claimed by the PRC. It is driven by a desire to project power on a global scale.”


“The Australian Defence Force’s equipment is good and getting better,” writes ASPI analyst for defence economics and capability Marcus Hellyer. “But the ADF’s current and planned force structures have some significant limitations in their ability to deliver some crucial military effects.”

Limitations such as the combat radius of the new F-35A stealth fighter. Even with the help of in-flight refuelling, it can’t ‘loiter’ — or maintain a presence — in any given area — for long.

A Royal Australian Air Force pilot with one our first F-35As. Doubts remain over the suitability of the aircraft for Australa’s defence needs. Picture: ADF
A Royal Australian Air Force pilot with one our first F-35As. Doubts remain over the suitability of the aircraft for Australa’s defence needs. Picture: ADF

“First … once a naval or amphibious taskforce is more than 1000 nautical miles (1852 kilometres) away from our air bases, it’s pretty much on its own. A thousand nautical miles isn’t very far in the Indo-Pacific, or even in our patch of it in the South Pacific.

“Second, our amphibious taskforce has only limited ability to provide fire support to lodged land forces. The short range of naval gunfire means that ships have to get close to enemy defences, leaving them vulnerable to the land-based anti-ship missiles we ourselves are interested in acquiring.

“Third, our fleet has a very limited long-range land-strike capability. The Harpoon missile has some ability to strike land targets, but even our air warfare destroyers can carry only eight of them.”

“Fourth, our fleet has some ability to strike maritime surface targets. But Russian and Chinese anti-ship missiles have longer ranges than the Harpoon.

“Fifth, adversary aircraft armed with long-range anti-ship missiles can launch them from outside the range of our defensive missiles.”

This is where the chaotic state of world affairs raises its ugly head.

“All of this may not really matter if we’re confident that all we’ll need to do is plug into a US-led taskforce and rely on it to provide all of those missing elements,” Hellyer writes.

“But if the challenge we’re now facing is that we may not be able to always and absolutely rely on the US to provide that support when we need it, then our force structure has a problem.”


Even in the late 1980s, as the world entered an apparent new era of peace, Australia was wary of the promises of its allies.

We’d been abandoned in our hour of need before: Great Britain had been severely overstretched by December 1941. And the promises of massive military support repeated by Prime Minister Winson Churchill just weeks earlier never eventuated.

“We have always allied with ‘great and powerful friends’ that could be counted on to keep our sea lanes open,” Senator Nolan says. “Initially, the Royal Navy was Australia’s guarantor.

Then the US Navy took its place — and in the 75 years since World War II, it hasn’t faced a peer competitor. But the strategic environment has changed. The US Navy, by its own admission, is not the globally dominant force we have long assumed it to be.”

And, as Mr Coyne points out, the UK retreat continued after the war with its abandonment of South East Asia. The US withdrew much of its presence to the mid-Pacific island of Guam in the 1970s. And Vietnam had fallen to Communist insurgents.

“The emphasis on ‘self-reliance’ in the 1987 Defence White Paper likely reflected the author’s wariness of abandonment by our key allies,” Mr Coyne writes.

Such wariness has returned with President Trump’s ‘America First’ doctrine.

Then there’s China’s rapidly expanding military, its new-found ability to project that force throughout the Pacific, and its willingness to muscle in on the South and East China Seas has dramatically destabilised South East Asia.

And it all comes among exploding international crime — be it illegal fishing, piracy or trafficking.

“Although the Australian Defence Force’s presence in the north has increased, and further investments were foreshadowed in the 2016 defence white paper, the less favourable strategic circumstances still require new thinking,” he writes.

Senator Nolan adds that Australians tend to pay little attention to the importance of our shipping lanes: “Geography means that Australia’s livelihood is tied to the sea, with our security and prosperity dependent on access to the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Our exports must travel by ship to reach their destinations, and we rely on the sea lanes to import liquid fuel and other vital goods.”


Hellyer’s argument is Australia must consider purchasing an aircraft carrier optimised to operate the F-35B.

“A third Spanish-built LHD and F-35B squadron could be delivered in around five years (even with the modifications that allow it to carry all of those munitions and aviation fuel), well before the Navy’s new frigates and submarines arrive,” he writes.

The Spanish LHD Juan Carlos was tailored to operate AV8B Harrier jump-jets. It's why the ship has the prominent 'ski-ramp' on the bow.
The Spanish LHD Juan Carlos was tailored to operate AV8B Harrier jump-jets. It's why the ship has the prominent 'ski-ramp' on the bow.

It’s an argument that revives a question seriously examined by then Prime Minister Tony Abbott in 2014: can we convert our existing landing helicopter dock ships — HMAS Canberra and Adelaide — into F-35 carriers? Should we buy the F-35B jump-jet variant to operate from them?

The answer was no. It was just not cost — or mission — effective to rebuild these troops ships as combat aircraft carriers.

Since then, however, Japan has embarked upon just such a program: modifying its Izumo-class ‘helicopter destroyers’ to be capable of operating stealth jump-jets.

Hellyer argues building a new ship to carry F-35Bs will fill critical ADF capability gaps.

The armed Tiger helicopters currently carried by the LHDs are vulnerable and have limited capabilities. The next generation submarine has limited strike potential.

And putting cruise missiles on our new air warfare destroyers will have to come at the cost of other weapon systems.

As it is, the new air warfare destroyers can intercept incoming missiles. But they don’t have the range to shoot down the aircraft or sink the ships firing them

“All the effects outlined above can be delivered by the F-35: close air support; defensive and offensive counter-air; and maritime and (with the right missile) long-range land strike. The problem is we can’t necessarily deliver the F-35A to where we need it.”

That means taking the F-35 with us. And that means an aircraft carrier — and the F-35B.

“What does that give the ADF? The bottom line is, a lot more options that the adversary has to deal with. Even in an age of space surveillance and electronic warfare, it’s harder to deal with an enemy air base that’s moving.”


“In the 1980s, official strategic guidance indicated that our defence planners would have ‘at least 10 years’ warning of a substantial military threat’. That’s clearly no longer the case,” Mr Coyne writes.

And he argues the recent 2016 Defence White Paper isn’t up to the challenges ahead.

“The … white paper set a firm foundation for developing Australia’s future defence capabilities; however, its projections of our strategic circumstances now look like wishful thinking.

“In 2019, Australia’s strategic outlook appears to be far more uncertain and susceptible to rapid changes with short warning.”

But The Lowy Institute’s Roggeveen argues part of the problem is accurately identifying how Australia can best defend itself.

And while amphibious assault groups were useful in the past, like aircraft carriers, they appear much more vulnerable now.

“It is becoming increasingly dangerous to undertake large-scale amphibious operations against adversaries with even modest anti-ship capabilities,” he writes. “Maybe instead of spending money to marginally decrease that danger, we should think about ruling out contested amphibious operations altogether.”

And given the vulnerability of our LHD’s in the amphibious assault role, Mr Roggeveen suggests considering converting our existing two ships into anti-submarine warfare helicopter carriers.

“At the heart of debates such as this one is a difference over how Australia should deter a potential adversary — should it be by threat of punishment (we can hurt you) or threat of denial (you can’t hurt us)? I tend to favour the latter approach.”


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