
Secretly recorded call between Gary Jubelin, Paul Savage revealed

This is the transcript of the one of the secret recordings allegedly made by Detective Chief Inspector Gary Jubelin involving Paul Savage, the man he suspected was involved in William Tyrrell’s disappearance.

Gary Jubelin interrogation

This is the transcript of the one of the secret recordings allegedly made by Detective Chief Inspector Gary Jubelin involving Paul Savage, the man he suspected was involved in William Tyrrell’s disappearance.














V. 1: Hello?

P. 1: Hello, Paul.

V. 1: Yes?

P. 1: Uh, er, Gary Jubelin here from the Police.

V. 1: Oh, how are ya?

P. 1: Good, good. Sorry to, uh, sorry to trouble you.

V. 1: You’re all right. (?)

P. 1: Uh, have you got a coupe, couple of minutes?

Former NSW Detective Gary Jubelin. Picture: Bianca De Marchi
Former NSW Detective Gary Jubelin. Picture: Bianca De Marchi

V. 1: Well, (?) I just, well, I might have been ..... what it was, (?) but I didn’t see that ‘til the Thursday, and that’s the truth. I’ve got, even gotten in me diary. I forget I write a diary. (?) I never even mentioned it on the Wednesday because I did (?) whatever it was, I didn’t knew (?) it was that important ---

P. 1: Yeah, yeah,

V. 1: ---and it wasn’t, (?) I didn’t see the suit ‘til the Thursday.

P. 1: Well ---(?)

V. 1: That’s the truth. I, I’m not trying to avoid it.

P. 1: Well ---

V. 1: I thought I seen a w, a white top, and ..... that (?) just something that, trying to think of what it must be, and I started to think about how long I was there ..... 12 seconds (?) ---

P. 1: Yep.

V. 1: ---and then, I thought ..... and I might be misjudging this, but I was pretty sure that I had seen a white bit (?) of cloth; I didn’t say it was a suit, because I didn’t know, and I th, thought I seen a white bit of cloth there.

P. 1: Well, just, er, er, er, just, the, the thing that I just need to clarify is that, the Spider-Man suit that, uh, William disappeared in, it had white on the top.

V. 1: Oh, I wouldn’t know. (?)

P. 1: Yeah.

V. 1: .....

P. 1: Wh, so ---

V. 1: ..... never seen it.

William Tyrrell who was allegedly secretly recorded by Detective Gary Jubelin who was investigating the disappearance of William Tyrrell. Picture: Nathan Edwards
William Tyrrell who was allegedly secretly recorded by Detective Gary Jubelin who was investigating the disappearance of William Tyrrell. Picture: Nathan Edwards

P. 1: OK. Well, look, er, I, I’m just going back to, uh, I was just having a look at my notes, and, uh, that, uh, when you phoned me up on the Friday, you said that you saw white, and that it was a, a white, uh, white top on the Wednesday, and, uh ---

V. 1: Oh, a white t, (?) yeah, I meant (?) a white top, like a white T-shirt, or something like that.

P. 1: Right.

V. 1: ..... top, yeah.

P. 1: OK. Well, look, if, um, 1, I’II, er, I have got, um, these, I have got pictures of the suit that William was in, and I have got pictures of, uh, the suit, as we had, (?) er, uh, laid down on the track; next time ---

V. 1: Yeah. (?)

P. 1: --- I’m, next time I’m up there, and, uh, it, it mightn’t be for a bit, but, uh, I’ll, I’I give you a call if, uh, I still need to just clarify it, and, uh, we’ll, we’ll, um, have a, you can have a look at it, and you’ll see what I, I mean, so ---

V. 1: Oh, yeah. (?) No, (?) I understand..... you’re sayin’, er, yeah, well, I, I wouldn’t have a clue either way, but, I didn’t see the red and b, uh, blue until the Thursdee.

P. 1: Right.

V. 1: And I’ve got, (?) as I say, I wrote that down even in me diary, and 1 just didn’t (?) ..... out, (?) I’ve been writin’ it last, uh, February ---

P. 1: Right.

V. 1: ---o, on a daily basis, but I forgot all about it, and I, when I went back at the diary, to see what I might have seen ---

P. 1: Yeah?

V. 1: ---uh, well, I thought I seen ---

P. 1: Yeah?

V. 1: ---I hi, (?) what I’ve done, is I’ve wri, (?) just wrote down about the day I was having; I never mentioned seeing anything that day.

P. 1: That’s on ---

V. 1: .....

P. 1: --- the ---

V. 1: .....

P. 1: --- on ---

V. 1: .....

P. 1: --- the Wednesday?

Screen grabs from a police recorded interview of Paul Savage with Detective Chief Inspector Gary Jubelin and Detective Sergeant Laura Beacroft in August, 2017.
Screen grabs from a police recorded interview of Paul Savage with Detective Chief Inspector Gary Jubelin and Detective Sergeant Laura Beacroft in August, 2017.

V. 1: Yeah, I didn’t see anything that I was sure of ---

P. 1: Yeah.

V. 1: ---’cause (?) I would’ve written it down if they had a, (?) somethin’ to d, somethin’ to do with the suit, or anything; 1 just thought I seen a white T-shirt, or somethin’ like that, when I say, top.

P. 1: Right. Right. OK

V. 1: And I’m not saying I’m right, (?) but that’s ---

P. 1: Yeah. (?)

V. 1: --- what I thought I seen.

P. 1: And do you fill that diary out every day?

V. 1: Yeah.

P. 1: Yeah. All right. All right. Well, look, sorry, sorry to trouble you; as I said, I, I would’ve, if I was up there, I would’ve, um, er, called in and seen you, but, uh, we have just been, uh, doing some sort of some bikies, uh, er, down here this week, so I’ve been tied up on that, tied up on that, but, uh ---

V. 1: Yeah. (?)

P. 1: ---um, look ---

V. 1: ..... day of a job, (?) eh?

P. 1: Nah, nah. It’s, it’s, uh, but, yeah, th, it’s, we just locked up a few of ‘em, for, uh, murder, so, you know --- (?)

V. 1: ..... yeah. (?)

P. 1: ---um ---

V. 1: ..... it was on the news ---

P. 1: Oh---

V. 1: .....

P. 1: --- right. Right. Yeah. Probably.

A photo of William Tyrrell taken on the day he disappeared.
A photo of William Tyrrell taken on the day he disappeared.

V. 1: I think so ---(?)

P. 1: Yeah.

V. 1: --- yeah. (?)

P. 1: Yeah. But, look, I’ll, um, if there’s anything else that comes to mind, give me a call, and if not, if I, (?) I need anything, I’ll give you a call, so---

V. 1: O, Ok, then. Yeah. (?) Like I say, I, I couldn’t remember for sure. I’m---

P. 1: .....

V. 1: ---only se, (?) that’s what I thought I had seen.

P. 1: Yeah, yeah. No. It was just that, um, when I have, I have checked the, uh, suit, that, uh, William, uh, disappeared in, it had white on the top so---

V. 1: Ah, yeah, yeah.

P. 1: Yeah.

V. 1: I, I couldn’t answer that. (?)

P. 1: Yeah.

V. 1: I never seen the suit. I never seen him in it.

P. 1: Yeah.

V. 1: I could hear him playing, but I, I never seen him---

P. 1: Right.

V. 1: ---and, um, yeah. So, I don’t know if, er, whether there was white on any of it. (?) I w, I wouldn’t have a clue.

P. 1: OK.

V. 1: Yeah.

P. 1: All right.

V. 1: I can’t help ya now. (?) I wish I could help you more, but I can’t, mate. I’m sorry.

P. 1: OK. No, I appreciate your time.

V. 1: No, that’s OK.

P. 1: All---

V. 1: I---

P. 1: ---right.

V. 1: ---hope you have more success anyway, mate.

P. 1: I will get there. We’ll get there. Thanks, Paul.

V. 1: ..... you’re all right. (?) Bye. bye.

P. 1: Cheers. Bye.

V. 1: Bye.



Originally published as Secretly recorded call between Gary Jubelin, Paul Savage revealed

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