
Brett William Searle refused bail for DV charge in Bowen Magistrates Court

A father who allegedly punched his ex-partner in the face multiple times, became so agitated during court proceedings, the legal team requested he be removed from the courtroom.

Brett William Searle faced Bowen Magistrates Court on March 12, 2024. Picture: Peter Holt
Brett William Searle faced Bowen Magistrates Court on March 12, 2024. Picture: Peter Holt

A father facing domestic violence charges made a legal team feel “very unsafe” after he started screaming while addressing his family in open court, police told the court, leading the prosecutor to ask for him to go back to the watchhouse.

Brett William Searle, 38, who allegedly assaulted his partner on February 9 this year, applied for bail in the Bowen Magistrates Court this morning.

He is also charged with obstructing a police officer on March 11.

Allegations read against him stated that he allegedly punched her in the face multiple times after she refused to give him money at an address in Bowen.

As a consequence, prosecutors allege the woman sustained a three cm cut.

PD Law solicitor Peta Vernon made an appeal for Mr Searle to be released on bail, stating that he could live at his mother’s house.

She further said the prosecution’s case was not very strong, when looking at the photographs attached to the case.

Ms Vernon said the cut to the eye appeared to be very fresh, although police had attended the complainant’s address days after the alleged offence, which was an inconsistency.

She added the ex-partner had the intention of moving to Yeppoon, and that Searle was dealing with mental health issues, partly due to his consumption of alcohol and drugs.

Prosecutor sergeant Emma Myors told the court the address proposed by the defence was not suitable, as the mum’s partner had told police he was against having Searle live with them, alongside the property owners who had also expressed they did not want him staying there.

Upon hearing this, Seale became very agitated in court, looking at his family who were sitting in the gallery.

While prosecution continued addressing the magistrate, Searle tried addressing members of his family with despair, as well as started shaking and screaming.

Ms Myors told the court the most concerning aspect was that he had previously been charged with four domestic violence orders and had breached an order against the same partner twice before.

“ [He] has little regard for conditions imposed on him,” she told the court, concluding that there was an “unacceptable risk”.

Magistrate Michelle Howard refused Seale’s bail application.

Mr Seale became more agitated although his family had left the courtroom earlier and Sergeant Myors asked the magistrate if she could have him removed from the room as she felt the situation was “quite insecure”.

Searle’s case will be further mentioned on April 3.

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