
What you said about the K’gari (Fraser Island) freehold ownership bid

Readers have reacted angrily at the bid for freehold ownership of most of the two main townships on K’gari by traditional owners, saying it’s “short sighted, divisive and ill-conceived” among many other things. JOIN THE CONVERSATION

Driving on the beach on K'gari (Fraser Island), Queensland. Picture: TEQ
Driving on the beach on K'gari (Fraser Island), Queensland. Picture: TEQ

An Aboriginal corporation’s bid for freehold ownership of most of the two main townships on K’gari has caused anger across large portions of the Queensland community.

The Butchulla people, who already hold native title over most of K’gari (formerly Fraser Island) as well as almost 30ha of freehold land, are vying to have large tracts of Eurong and Happy Valley transferred under the Aboriginal Land Act.

Residents were told at a meeting last week with the Department of Resources, Butchulla Aboriginal Corporation and Fraser Coast Council that the transfer was “definitely happening”.

The announcement triggered displeasure among a majority of readers, who expressed their anger over the proposal, with some criticising the manner in which the latest bid transpired.

Others criticised the volume of native title claims emerging across the state.

Some readers took aim at the government for allegedly dividing Australians in the aftermath of the Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum.

The latest bid follows the major native title ruling awarded for the Kabi Kabi people over a 365,345-hectare parcel of land stretching through Moreton Bay, the Sunshine Coast, and Fraser Coast regions.

It also follows a fresh native title claim by the Woppaburra people for exclusive ownership and use of Great Keppel Island, including the site of the former resort and airstrip.

The K’gari freehold ownership bid generated a significant response from the community, with native title rulings a topical point of fierce discussion throughout the state.



Climate clown

Its fine. Giggles said it will never happen ie that thing that is happening …


How unexpected.


Why is anyone surprised?

This is what was always going to happen....


What a surprise … not


Kingfisher Bay and resort will be next.


Weeds growing on their current land. Ahhh another example of caring for country! It’s all words and no actions.


Didn’t we all see this coming, no matter how many times they denied it?


Do not trust ANY politicians under any circumstances…


“Trust us!”, they said.



I’d like to see how they go with a native title on land owned by Albanese and his cronies!


So much for native title. Lies all round.

Happy Valley, K’gari.
Happy Valley, K’gari.



Give an inch and.....


This will happen all over Australia.


And so it goes on and on.


What a gift! Didn’t have to work for it. Just had to wait until the government rolled over.


Fraser Is (yes Fraser Is) is there for all to enjoy but make the most of it whilst you can, it’ll be the next Ayres Rock (yes Ayres Rock).


Great Keppel island is next .


This country was developed by all of us and our ancestors. We all have an equal stake in its future. Let’s not allow it to be divided by race.

A boat off the shore of K’gari.
A boat off the shore of K’gari.



The whole island should be made freehold ownership to the traditional owners, in fact all native title claims should be made freehold and exclusive for those first nations peoples.


Sounds like a storm in a tea cup.


Oh, the rich irony, a “land grab” by traditional owners over their land. And the additional irony of the European notion of “freehold” to do it. I think it’s called coming full circle.



When is the lunacy going to end. We are one people in this country. No one group deserves any more rights than an other. The division is ridiculous.


Them & us. Divided Australia. And paid for by us, not them. Ridiculous. Has to stop.



For we are one and free



Perhaps we should put a 10-year moratorium on all land claims.

Might allow time for proper preparation of cases and review of the process.

Perhaps voters should have a say after all everybody’s rights are impacted.


Everyone in Australia is equal, and we should thus be colour blind - everyone is already an equal citizen of this country and everyone votes (including every single Indigenous Australian, which has been the case officially since 1962) - we are thus a full democracy - we all even vote for the exact same government who is thus the government over all of us - we are thus all bound by the exact same laws in this country. Plus discrimination is known to be wrong. Plus why should some citizens get free land that they can own when other citizens cannot - this is the height of unfairness, plus it is segregation. The government need to stop the artificial distinction immediately between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. We all belong to the same country as equal citizens.


Nice work on Albanese “ bringing us together as a nation. Your idiot “ non policies” are tearing the social fabric apart. We are now in the most race based divisive culture ever. Congratulations !!


How to turn Australians against one group. Short sighted, divisive and ill-conceived. Sad day indeed.


Native Title and Land Rights should be rescinded, and all lands returned for the benefit of all Australians!

Maria’s husband

I was so happy living in this great country of ours and now I’m so angry, disappointed and frustrated at what’s happening, I thought we were trying to unify our country and make us one proud nation called Australia, this was once the lucky country, equal rights for everyone, a place to be enjoyed by everyone, teals, woke Labour, whatever,what have you done, this will end badly

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