
Monique Sarah Deighton: Warwick mum sentenced in court for abusive outburst at police, brazen fuel theft

The convicted drug trafficker and serial offender is back before the courts yet again for a string of crimes including aggressive outbursts and a brazen fuel theft.

IN COURT: Monique Sarah Deighton appeared in Warwick Magistrates Court via videolink from Southern Queensland Correctional Centre to be sentenced for a string of drug-fuelled crimes. Picture: Facebook / social media
IN COURT: Monique Sarah Deighton appeared in Warwick Magistrates Court via videolink from Southern Queensland Correctional Centre to be sentenced for a string of drug-fuelled crimes. Picture: Facebook / social media

A Warwick mother convicted for drug trafficking only a few months earlier has been sentenced for another drug-fuelled string of crimes.

Monique Sarah Deighton’s spree began when her card was declined while trying to pay for $111.39 worth of fuel she’d just pumped into her car at BP Browns Plains on May 25, 2019.

Warwick Magistrates Court heard the 38-year-old told the attendant she would go home to get more money and come back, but instead fled the scene without paying.

Deighton landed in hot water again only a few months later on August 25, 2019 when detectives raided her Wallace Street home.

Police prosecutor Steve de Lissa said the mother-of-seven became enraged when officers tried to explain the reason behind their search.

“She became abusive, swearing and yelling, and obstructing (detectives) in their duty. She walked out of the room, then continued to struggle with police while they tried to handcuff her,” Sergeant de Lissa said.

Deighton targeted officers and staff again when she went to visit someone in custody at the Warwick police station on December 4, 2019.

Sergeant de Lissa said she marched straight past a “no unauthorised access” sign to try to gain entry, before being forced to return to the front counter by police and becoming aggressive once again.

“She went into the counter and became abusive towards the civilian staff member, yelling ‘You’re not f---ing humans’, then walked out of the police station and continued to abuse police,” he said.

Deighton was sentenced to five years’ jail in the Toowoomba Supreme Court earlier this year for trafficking meth and marijuana, and will be eligible for parole in May next year.

Appearing in the Warwick court via videolink from Southern Queensland Correctional Centre in Gatton, Deighton said her offending was driven by a “severe drug addiction”.

“I wasn’t really thinking, I was stupid – it was just stupidity really. I was just drug-addicted,” she said.

She added that she was now focused on staying clean and being able to reconnect with her children as soon as she was released.

Magistrate Julian Noud said he would convict but not further punish Deighton for her offending, given she was already serving a jail term and had no income to pay a fine or restitution.

Deighton pleaded guilty to one count each of obstructing police, public nuisance, stealing, and entering a police premises without lawful excuse.

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