
Man kicks window in violent outburst over rent

The 29-year-old Warwick man was caught driving with meth in his car just weeks after the violent outburst.

SHATTERED: The 29-year-old kicked in a window during an argument about back-paid rent. Picture: Wayne Lynnam
SHATTERED: The 29-year-old kicked in a window during an argument about back-paid rent. Picture: Wayne Lynnam

A MAN who smashed a window during an argument and was caught driving with meth in his car says the crimes forced him to break his long-time drug addiction.

In March, Blake Travis Shane Trenaman went to his former home in Morayfield, Brisbane to reclaim $800 in rent and bond money he paid in advance.

The Warwick Magistrates Court was told the occupant refused, at which point the 29-year-old became angry and kicked a window, shattering it.

Just weeks later, police nabbed Trenaman driving through Mt Gravatt with two clip seal bags of meth and a used glass pipe in his car.

In May, the 29-year-old was pushing a motorbike along Pratten St, Warwick when he was again intercepted by a police patrol, who found two tablets of a stimulant drug in his bag.

Sergeant Steve de Lissa told the court Trenaman presented with some drug-related criminal history and had been disqualified from driving several times previously.

"I think with respect to disqualified driving, the defendant would have to realise this is his last opportunity for leniency," Sgt de Lissa said.

Defence counsel said the 29-year-old had since relocated to Hervey Bay and broken his longstanding drug habit.

Magistrate Julian Noud urged Trenaman to continue his drug rehabilitation, though agreed his traffic offences were aggravated by his record and "showed little regard for the road rules".

Trenaman pleaded guilty to one count each of wilful damage, possessing dangerous drugs, unlawful possession of dangerous drugs, possessing drug paraphernalia, and driving while disqualified.

He was placed on nine months' probation, fined $1700, and disqualified from driving for two-and-a-half years.

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