
Game on at new arcade in Warwick

Masters of the controls can now level up their video gaming experience at new arcade

PLAY ON: Elizabeth Dennis gives the new arcade games at Video Ezy a shot. Picture: Elyse Wurm
PLAY ON: Elizabeth Dennis gives the new arcade games at Video Ezy a shot. Picture: Elyse Wurm

Masters of the controls can now level up their video gaming experience at a new arcade that just opened in Warwick.

Nestled inside Video Ezy, the arcade was unveiled on Saturday and features three brand new games including Big Buck Hunter and Lethal Enforcer.

Owner of Video Ezy Jeff Clark said the arcade will offer people an alternative to the games they are able to play at home.

"Most kids at home have the fighting games but you can't really get your driving or shooting games," Mr Clark said.

"We thought we'd give it a shot here and give the kids in town something new to play with."

The wheels are already in motion to add to the arcade's collection, with Sega Rally racing game, basketball hoops and a pinball machine due to arrive in 4-6 weeks.

"If it goes well, down the track we might even put in some pool tables to make it a real place to hang out," he said.

Mr Clark said the games were installed as part of an agreement with a Brisbane-based company.

If the games prove popular with the community, the range of games will be expanded.

However, if they're not used frequently they will be removed from the store.

Having previously owned an arcade in Warwick, which offered games as well as home consoles such as the Xbox, Mr Clark believes the games will be a hit.

"The arcade games did really well, even better than other things," he said.

With video stores becoming few and far between around Australia, the move was also an effort to keep people coming back to Video Ezy.

"We're always trying to diversify our business," Mr Clark said.

"The last thing we want is to see the doors shut to the last video shop, so we're trying to keep it going."

Open twelve hours a day every day, the new arcade could be a great way to keep twiddling thumbs busy especially as colder weather starts to roll in.

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