
Cowboys star 'bashed 52yo'

A RISING star of the Warwick Cowboys Rugby League Football Club was disciplined and demoted by the club after his assault on a 52-year-old neighbour.

A man argued that he should be able to opt out of the Queensland legal system. Picture: ©istockphoto/DNY59
A man argued that he should be able to opt out of the Queensland legal system. Picture: ©istockphoto/DNY59

A RISING star of the Warwick Cowboys Rugby League Football Club was disciplined and demoted by the club after his assault on a 52-year-old neighbour, the Magistrates Court heard yesterday.

Joshua Douglas Jeffrey Klein, 20, pleaded guilty to the unprovoked bashing of the man on February 21 after drinking a bottle of rum and most of a carton of alcopops.

The court heard Klein, considered a future representative and even overseas player, had been demoted from the A grade side and was now receiving counselling and support from a men's group.

His shocking attack on his former Rosenthal Heights neighbour began at 6am on the morning in question, after he had threatened the man's son and smashed the rear window of his vehicle.

Fearing the worst was about to take place, the neighbour yelled at Klein to “leave my son alone” and told his wife to call the police.

The court was told the heavily-intoxicated Klein then turned his attention to the 52 year old, entering the man's yard and proceeding to punch him in the head.

The man attempted to get away from the blows but Klein pursued him into a neighbouring property, threatening to kill him and continuing to punch him in the head and chest area.

Unable to fight back against the younger man, the neighbour broke free a second time but was again pursued by his screaming attacker who threw him to the ground and went on with the vicious assault until a friend dragged him off and back to his own residence.

His 52-year-old victim suffered shock and numerous cuts and bruises to the head, chest, arms and neck, with the entire incident witnessed by other residents, including young children.

Police who arrived at the scene were forced to use capsicum spray to subdue Klein, who hurled abuse and fought with officers who were trying to arrest him.

His defence counsel Carl Settgast yesterday told Magistrate Anne Thacker that Klein had no recollection of the events which had led to both the jeopardising of his promising football career and his court appearance.

“He has also undertaken an anger management course and joined an indigenous men's group, who are providing him with support, as is his family,” Mr Settgast said.

“He has also changed his alcohol consumption habits and his mother actually picks him up from (licensed premises).”

After a brief adjournment to consider sentencing, Magistrate Thacker ordered Klein to stand up and “take your hands out of your pockets and look as though you actually know what's going on”, adding he was in “very serious trouble”.

“You were completely drunk and you engaged in an incomprehensible attack on a 52-year-old man,” Her Honour said.

“You chased after him not once, not twice but a total of three times and would have continued (the assault) if your friend had not stopped you.”

Magistrate Thacker noted Klein's future professional sporting and leadership potential and ordered him to sort out his anger issues, before sentencing him to 14 months probation.

She also ordered Klein to pay $500 in compensation to the victim, $513 in restitution for the vehicle damage and $600 in fines for convictions of public nuisance and resisting arrest.

The Daily News sought comment from the Warwick Cowboys yesterday but calls to Klein's coach were not returned by time of printing.

Originally published as Cowboys star 'bashed 52yo'

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