
An open letter to litterbug tourists

If there's one thing that irritates me on a regular basis, it's litterbugs

Warwick Daily News journalist Sophie Lester. Picture: Anna Hamilton
Warwick Daily News journalist Sophie Lester. Picture: Anna Hamilton

IF THERE'S one thing that irritates me on a regular basis, it's litterbugs.

And not just any litterbugs, dear readers, no - it's the transient litterbugs, the tourists who think it is perfectly okay to leave their rubbish in our so-called Tidy Town.

As sure as I am that there are rubbishing rascals among the residents of the Rose City, it is for some reason these drivers who raise the most ire from me with their littering ways.

While it's great to see holidaying families enjoy our beautiful town, coming home to see yet more chip packets and soft drink cans scattered across my fence is not so.

It saddens me to think these items have ended up strewn on the footpath as a result of a driver of a 4WD, packed to the brim with mischievous kids screaming "are we there yet?” after a few hours on the road, deciding that a brief stop to stretch their legs and to properly dispose of their rubbish isn't worth the time or effort.

Is it really too much to ask these tourists to contain their scraps within their vehicles and not throw them carelessly from their car windows?

I'm not going to put up with that rot for much longer.

So I say down with the litterbugs.

Rubbish is for the dump, not defenestration.

Sophie Lester, Reporter

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