
US marines missing after Osprey crash named

UPDATE: A US Osprey that crashed off the coast of Queensland, killing three Marines, has been located by an Australian Navy ship.

Lt. Benjamin Robert Cross and Cpl Nathan Ordway are two of the three missing marines to be identified.
Lt. Benjamin Robert Cross and Cpl Nathan Ordway are two of the three missing marines to be identified.

THE SUBMERGED MV-22 Osprey has been located by Australian navy ship HMAS Melville, Defence Minister Marisa Payne confirmed in a statement.

The HMAS Melville, a survey ship, arrived in Shoalwater Bay overnight to support US-led recovery operations following the incident on Saturday that killed three US Marines.

Minister Payne said divers will conduct remotely operated vehicle operations starting Monday evening before diving operations begin.

“The Australian Government remains prepared to offer further support as required and our ADF remains at short notice readiness to support any further requests,” she said.

Commanding General of the III Marine Expeditionary Force, ‎Lieutenant General Lawrence Nicholson said the ADF volunteering their help even before being asked demonstrated the friendship and value of the Australia- US partnership.

“I want to thank the Australian Defence Force, and the crew of the HMAS Melville in particular, for their assistance in the search and recovery effort of our MV-22 that went down off the coast of Australia,” he said.

“The crew of the Melville and its assets have been invaluable in the recovery effort. On behalf of the Marines, sailors, and families of III MEF, I thank you for your support.”

A 26-year-old from Maine has been named as one of the three marines who went missing after the Osprey crashed.

Lt. Benjamin Robert Cross, an aviator in the marines, was identified by his older brother, Ryan Cross, in an interview with a CBS reporter in the US.

It is believed one of the other missing men is Osprey crew chief Corporal Nathan Ordway, from Wichita, Kansas.

Lt. Benjamin Robert Cross and Cpl Nathan Ordway are two of the three missing marines to be identified.
Lt. Benjamin Robert Cross and Cpl Nathan Ordway are two of the three missing marines to be identified.

The US Marine Osprey aircraft is believed to have struck trouble while attempting to land on a transport ship, smashing into its deck and sliding into the ocean off the coast of central Queensland.

“It’s something that you hope that you never have to experience. Every military family knows in the back of their mind there’s always a possibility. You hope it will never happen to you,” he told CBS.

Mr Cross said the local community had been supporting the family since they learned the tragic news.

Lt. Benjamin Robert Cross is the second of the missing US marines to be named.
Lt. Benjamin Robert Cross is the second of the missing US marines to be named.

“Luckily, we have a great support network of family and friends. The community has been amazing just the outpouring of support we received from everyone. Everyone immediately asked what can they do to help.”

He said his brother had the “highest moral character” and was “devoted” to the Marine Corps.

“It probably sounds cliché, but you know, words really can’t describe my little brother.

“He’s the type of person that everybody, the type of friend everybody wishes they had had the type of person everybody wishes they knew.

U.S. marine Nathan Ordway was the first of the three missing marines to be named.
U.S. marine Nathan Ordway was the first of the three missing marines to be named.

“The highest moral character — just the most caring, compassionate, empathetic individual I’ve ever met. He would do anything for anybody that needed it, so selfless.

Mr Cross said being a pilot in the military was his brother’s dream.

“My brother, all through high school knew he wanted to be a pilot in the military ... it had been his dream.

“He’s always been interested in all things aerial, aeronautical - loved roller coasters and all things math or science so it was kind of a natural fit for him,” he said.

Lt. Cross attended the Virginia Military Institute on a full Naval scholarship.

A MV-22B Osprey landing aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD 6) during Exercise Talisman Sabre 2017 near Rockhampton Queensland. Picture: Wesley Monts
A MV-22B Osprey landing aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD 6) during Exercise Talisman Sabre 2017 near Rockhampton Queensland. Picture: Wesley Monts

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said Queensland stood willing to offer any support the US defence force needed.

“Of course our hospitals have been offered for those that are severely injured,” she said.

“But also we have said that any assistance that’s needed from the State we are happy to provide.”

Ms Palaszczuk described the Osprey crash as “an absolute tragedy”.

“We’ve had many US marines in Queensland over the past couple of weeks enjoying Queensland hospitality,” she said.

“To hear of this tragic incident occurring of the Queensland coast has, I think, sent shockwaves through a lot of Queenslanders.”

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