
Triple-0 call after Kevin Ronald Punter’s alleged Cootharaba stabbing

GRAPHIC CONTENT WARNING: A mother feared her husband had killed her daughter during an alleged stabbing attack at a Sunshine Coast property, a court heard. Read the triple-0 call played in court.

Australia's Court System

A trial by jury is ongoing for a Sunshine Coast father-of-two charged with attacking his daughter and her boyfriend while they were having dinner at his Cootharaba home.

Kevin Ronald Punter, a 62-year-old IT consultant for Bank of Queensland, pleaded not guilty to two counts of grievous bodily harm after a birthday celebration for his daughter’s 27th birthday took an allegedly violent twist.

Crown prosecutor Rebecca Marks told Maroochydore District Court the mother, father, daughter and her boyfriend were all drinking wine and beer at Mr Punter’s property on September 16, 2020.

At some point during the night there were some words exchanged between Mr Punter and his daughter’s 43-year-old then boyfriend Troy Simeth-Hackling.

Mr Simeth-Hackling said he only remembered having dinner and the next thing he recalled he was bleeding from his stomach and everything was “squishy”.

Kevin Punter (left), Troy Simeth-Hackling (right top) and Annabelle Punter (right bottom).
Kevin Punter (left), Troy Simeth-Hackling (right top) and Annabelle Punter (right bottom).

The injuries suffered by Mr Simeth-Hackling included stab wounds to his abdomen, rib area and the back of his thigh.

Ms Punter only remembered seeing her father and boyfriend getting along and talking about pool fences as well as her father sitting on the couch with a bottle of wine in his hand, the court heard during her evidence given on Tuesday, May 24.

She suffered cuts to her face and scalp, fractures to various areas of her face and a stab wound to her back.

The triple-0 call made by Kevin’s wife Jane Punter was played aloud in court to the jury.



MRS PUNTER: “There was an altercation between family members and somebody has been cut.”

OPERATOR: “Tell me exactly what happened please Jane.”

MRS PUNTER: “We need an ambulance really urgently.”

OPERATOR: “Tell me exactly what happened. What was the altercation about and how did the person get cut and where are they cut?”

MRS PUNTER: “I don’t know.”

OPERATOR: “Has someone been cut, has someone been stabbed? Tell me exactly what happened please Jane.”

MRS PUNTER: “They’ve been cut by a knife I believe, I don’t know.”

OPERATOR: “I need you to find out so I can get the right help out. A cut or a stab?”

MR PUNTER (In the background): “I grabbed a knife and (the boyfriend’s) threatening me, I was scared, he attacked me.”

MRS PUNTER: “Okay so, my husband was threatened and he grabbed a knife and he cut somebody.”

OPERATOR: “Yep. So he stabbed somebody in the stomach is that correct?”

MRS PUNTER: “Lower abdomen.”

OPERATOR: “Are you with the patient now?”

MRS PUNTER: “I’m not directly but we’re in the same area.”

OPERATOR: “Can you see the patient?”

MRS PUNTER: “Yes I can.”

OPERATOR: ”How old is the patient?”


OPERATOR: “Is the patient male or female?”


OPERATOR: “Is he awake?”


OPERATOR: “Is he breathing?”

MRS PUNTER: “Annabelle is he breathing? Yes.”

OPERATOR: “Okay. When did this happen?”

MRS PUNTER: “About 15 minutes ago.”

OPERATOR: “Is there any serious bleeding?”

MRS PUNTER: “Yes. There is a lot of blood.”

OPERATOR: “Is he completely alert?”


OPERATOR: “Is there more than one wound? So just one wound?”

MRS PUNTER: “One I think.”

OPERATOR: “I’m going to tell you how to stop the bleeding, listen carefully to make sure we get it right. I need you to get a clean dry towel or cloth.”

(Annabelle Punter yelling inaudibly)

OPERATOR: “Who is that that’s yelling?

MRS PUNTER: “My daughter.”

OPERATOR: “Okay she needs to go away so I can give you instructions. I need you to get a clean dry cloth or towel, tell me when you have it because we need to control the bleeding.”

MRS PUNTER: “I've got a cloth.”

OPERATOR: “I need you to place it right on the wound and press down firmly. Don't lift it up to look. So I need you to put that on the wound now.”

MRS PUNTER: “I have.”

OPERATOR: “All right press down firmly do not lift it up to look.”


OPERATOR: “What’s that groaning? Without lifting the cloth up please tell me if the bleeding is under control? Is that the patient I can hear groaning?”

ANNABELLE: “Hurry up.”

MRS PUNTER: “I don't know if the bleeding is under control. There is a lot of blood.”

OPERATOR: “Get that lady that’s screaming in the background to get another cloth so we can control the bleeding all right?”

(Annabelle Punter yelling in the background)

MRS PUNTER: “Go and get a towel Annabelle.”

OPERATOR: “Advise her that the help that she can give him is to help control that bleeding. She needs to stop yelling. Please tell her that we are coming.”

MRS PUNTER: “I’m really doing the best I can hear because she’s yelling a lot.”

OPERATOR: “We need her to try and go away so we can help.”

(Annabelle yelling)

MRS PUNTER: “They’re on their way.”

(Groaning and yelling)

OPERATOR: “We need her to stop yelling and I need you to try and control the bleeding.”

MRS PUNTER: “I’m not moving the blanket I’ve got on him. You need to really come quick.”

OPERATOR: “We are coming lights and sirens Jane I need you to put firm pressure on that wound okay?


OPERATOR: “I just need you to keep pressure on the wound okay?”

MRS PUNTER: “Okay cool.”

(Annabelle yelling)

OPERATOR: “Who is she yelling at?”

MRS PUNTER: “She's yelling at my husband.”

OPERATOR: “So who did he stab?”

MRS PUNTER: “I'm not sure what happened to be honest.”

OPERATOR: “Who did he stab?”

MRS PUNTER: “Her boyfriend has been hurt.”

OPERATOR: “Her boyfriend okay.”

ANNABELLE: (Yelling) “I'm over it, I’m just over it.”

OPERATOR: “Just keep controlling that bleeding okay?”

MRS PUNTER: “I’m not sure if I’m putting pressure on the right side or not.”

OPERATOR: “Put pressure where the bleeding is please Jane.”

(More yelling)

ANNABELLE: (Yelling) “He’s about to f-----g die on your property.”

MRS PUNTER: “Oh god.”

OPERATOR: “I can hear it Jane, I just need you to look after the patient okay. I need you to try not to worry about what’s happening with your daughter and your husband at the moment. Look after the patient.”

MR PUNTER (In the background): (Yelling and thumping) “Enough of you.”

OPERATOR: “What’s just happened?”

MRS PUNTER: “I don’t know.”

MR PUNTER (In the background): ”Enough of you, enough of you, enough of you.”

OPERATOR: “Jane tell me what is happening.”

(Annabelle screaming)

OPERATOR: “Why is she screaming, what is your husband doing?”

(Annabelle screaming)


MR PUNTER (In the background): You’ve f----d me up enough, you’ve f----d me up enough, you’ve f----d me up enough.”

MRS PUNTER: “Hello? I need two ambulances please.”

OPERATOR: “Tell me what has happened.”

MRS PUNTER: “My husband has stabbed my daughter as well.”

OPERATOR: “Jane I need you to tell me what has just happened.”

MRS PUNTER: “My husband has hurt my daughter as well.”

OPERATOR: “What has he done to your daughter?”

MRS PUNTER: “He stabbed her too.”

OPERATOR: “He’s stabbed her too okay where is she bleeding from?”

MRS PUNTER: “Lay back ... lay down, lay down. Please we need help, I need help.”

OPERATOR: “Jane, we are coming out as quickly as we can. I need you to try and control - where is she bleeding from? Tell me where he stabbed her as well please, I need to know. Jane, tell me where he has stabbed her?”

MRS PUNTER: “I don’t know.”

OPERATOR: “Where is your daughter now?

MRS PUNTER: “I don’t know.”

OPERATOR: “Are you still trying to control the bleeding? What is your husband’s name?”

MRS PUNTER: “Kevin .... Punter”

OPERATOR: “What’s his date of birth?”

MRS PUNTER: “Oh my god you need to come.”

OPERATOR: “Jane, we are coming, I need you to give me this information.”

MRS PUNTER: “You need to come quickly ... bleeding profusely. Where are you going Troy?”

OPERATOR: “Jane we are coming. What is the patient’s name that was stabbed in the stomach?”

MRS PUNTER: ‘Troy, that’s all I know.”

OPERATOR: “Is the bleeding controlled and where is your daughter?”

MRS PUNTER: “You need to come.”

OPERATOR: “Jane, I need you to control the bleeding.”

MRS PUNTER: “No, I’m not.”

OPERATOR: “Where is your daughter, what has happened to her?”

MRS PUNTER: “I don’t know.”

OPERATOR: “Where is she, I can’t hear anything anymore?”

MRS PUNTER: “Annabelle? Oh for f--ks sake.”

OPERATOR: “Jane. Tell me what has happened, what can you see?”

MRS PUNTER: “My husband ... I think he’s killed her.”

OPERATOR: “What do you mean? Tell me what you can see.”

MRS PUNTER: “Oh my god.”

OPERATOR: “Jane I need you to tell me what you can see. Where is your daughter?”

MRS PUNTER: “My daughter is on the deck.”

OPERATOR: “I need you to go out to your daughter so you can tell me what's happened.”

MRS PUNTER: “I don't know what’s happened.”

OPERATOR: “Then I need you to find out for me Jane, we need to find out if your daughter is okay.”

MRS PUNTER: “My daughter is not okay.”

OPERATOR: “I need you to tell me what you can see.”

MRS PUNTER: “She's alive. She’s moving. She’s bleeding everywhere and there is glass everywhere.”

OPERATOR: “Jane, please tell me what you can see. I need you to try and help your daughter as well.”

MRS PUNTER: “Annabelle, are you okay? Oh my god, I need an ambulance.”

OPERATOR: “I’ve got a lot of ambulances on the way. Jane, please tell me what’s happening.”

MRS PUNTER: “Apparently the boyfriend tried to kill my husband, he has blood all over him.”

OPERATOR: “Jane. The male patient, what is he doing? Is the bleeding still controlled from his wounds?”

MRS PUNTER: “No, my daughter's face. Annabelle, I need to control the bleeding okay so let me help you.”

OPERATOR: “Is that your daughter talking?”

MRS PUNTER: “Um. She’s a bit of a mess.”

OPERATOR: “Okay, so tell me where is she bleeding from? What wound can you see on your daughter?”

MRS PUNTER: “I think she’s just bleeding from her face but there is a lot of blood all on the deck.”

OPERATOR: “Ask your daughter where she is hurt.”

MRS PUNTER: “Annabelle, I want to know where you are hurting?”

OPERATOR: “Ask her has she been stabbed as well?”

MRS PUNTER: “Have you been stabbed do you think darling?”

MRS PUNTER: “No, face ... I think it’s glass.”

OPERATOR: “I need you to go back to the patient and tell me if his bleeding is controlled as well. Jane? I really need you to try and look after both of them.”

MRS PUNTER: “I don't know where he’s gone, he’s walked off.”

OPERATOR: “He’s walked off? The original patient.”

MRS PUNTER: “Yep, which is her boyfriend.”

MRS PUNTER: “I can’t see any other cuts on Annabelle’s body.”

OPERATOR: “Okay, I want you to get a cloth to put on her face to control that bleeding.”


OPERATOR: “Who’s that yelling now?”

MRS PUNTER: “Annabelle is saying don’t, don’t, don’t but I’ve got a T-shirt.”

OPERATOR: “Okay so put it on her face.”

MRS PUNTER: “She's bleeding big time.”

OPERATOR: “Bleeding from where?”

MRS PUNTER: “From her eyebrows and face.”

OPERATOR: “Get a cloth and put it on her face.”

MRS PUNTER: “She doesn't really want it on her.”

OPERATOR: “We need to try and control that bleeding.”

MRS PUNTER: “I'm doing what I can.”

OPERATOR: “You're doing a good job Jane, thank you.”

MRS PUNTER: “But it's my daughter and my husband.”

OPERATOR: “Yeah. We also need to know what has happened to the other patient as well.”

MRS PUNTER: “I don't know where he’s gone.”

OPERATOR: “Are you able to follow a trail of blood to find out where he is?

MRS PUNTER: “We’re actually on 22 acres.”

OPERATOR: “Has he gone anywhere inside the house?”

MRS PUNTER: “No, he’s not inside the house.”

OPERATOR: “Did you see him leave the house?”


OPERATOR: “Then how do you know where he is?”

MRS PUNTER: “I don’t. He left the property. He left the house.”

OPERATOR: “Where is your husband?”

MRS PUNTER: “My husband is inside. It’s okay Annabelle. Annabelle.”

OPERATOR: “Who’s saying please don’t?”

MRS PUNTER: “My daughter is saying please don’t.”

OPERATOR: “And where is your husband?”

MRS PUNTER: “He’s inside.”

OPERATOR: “We really need to try to find the original patient who has been stabbed in the stomach.”

MRS PUNTER: “I don't know where he is.”

OPERATOR: “Are you able to have a look and see if he’s in the house somewhere?”

MRS PUNTER: “He's definitely not in the house okay.”

OPERATOR: “Well try to control the bleeding on your daughter's face.”

MRS PUNTER: “Do you want me to move any of the glass away?”

OPERATOR: “Not for the moment.”


OPERATOR: “Is your property easily accessible from the road? Is it easy to find? Is the house lit up at all?”

MRS PUNTER: “It’s a steep driveway but ...”

OPERATOR: “What is your daughter doing? Can you see any other wounds on Annabelle? I need you to check her over to make sure there’s no other wounds.”

MRS PUNTER: “Kevin, can you not speak to Annabelle at the moment please. Let her chill.”


MRS PUNTER: “Do not speak to her at the moment. Let her chill.”

OPERATOR: “What’s happening there now? Does anybody know where the patient has actually gone?”

MR SPUNTER: “The original patient I don’t know where he’s gone, he got up and moved away. I don’t know where he’s gone.

OPERATOR: “Does your husband have a weapon on him?”

MRS PUNTER: “My husband doesn't have a weapon on him, no. You have to talk to my husband about what happened.”

OPERATOR: “No I don’t need to talk to your husband I’ll keep talking to you.”

MRS PUNTER: “No, I don’t mean now.”

MR PUNTER (in the background): “I pushed you away Annabelle, why would I push you away Annabelle?”

MRS PUNTER: “Oh my gosh.”

OPERATOR: “I need you again to have a look over Annabelle and see if there's any other wounds. What did your husband do to her?”

MRS PUNTER: “I don’t know.”

OPERATOR: “You’ve got her right beside you so ask her where she is hurt.”

MRS PUNTER: “No, they don’t want to speak to you Kevin. Annabelle, do you want to speak to them?”

OPERATOR: “No I don’t want to speak to Annabelle, I want you to ask her? What wounds do you have?” She just said she needs to sleep please.”

OPERATOR: “You need to keep her awake okay because we don’t know what injuries she has, Jane.

MRS PUNTER: “You need to keep awake okay?”

OPERATOR: “Is she still bleeding from the face or have you controlled it?”

MRS PUNTER: “She’s groaning so she’s awake.”

OPERATOR: “I need to know I the bleeding is controlled on her face.”

MRS PUNTER: “It is somewhat.”

OPERATOR: “Who is he telling to go away.”


MRS PUNTER: “Her face is really messed up. One of her eyes is really black already.”

OPERATOR: “So she’s got a black eye and where is she bleeding from?”

MRS PUNTER: “All over her face cuts all over her face ...”

OPERATOR: “Where did the glass come from?”

MRS PUNTER: “I don’t know.”

OPERATOR: “You need to keep her awake.”

MRS PUNTER: “How much longer?”

OPERATOR: “They’re coming as quickly as they can.”

MRS PUNTER: “Man. She’s getting really agitated because her dad is talking to her.”

OPERATOR: “Okay so he needs to go away. Just try and keep her awake.”

MR PUNTER (In the background): “Go to sleep.”

MRS PUNTER: “No, she is not to go to sleep.”

MRS PUNTER: “What are you doing bub? Don’t touch your face.”

OPERATOR: “Keep her awake.”

MRS PUNTER: “Yep it’s all good. Darling, an ambulance is coming soon okay … take your hands away from your face.”

“Can she have water?”

(Inaudible screaming)

OPERATOR: Who just did that screaming?”

MRS PUNTER: “What are you screaming for? The ambulance wants to know what your screaming for?”

MR PUNTER (in the background): “Because I’m gonna kill people.”

MRS PUNTER: “Oh cause he’s angry.”

MRS PUNTER: “Annabelle can you sit up? Here you go.”

OPERATOR: “Give her just a little sip.”

MRS PUNTER: “That’s all you can have Belle. Lay down bub. Good girl.”

OPERATOR: “Are there lots of lights on so we know where to go?

OPERATOR: “You need to keep her awake.”

MRS PUNTER: “Keep awake darling. Good girl”

OPERATOR: “Keep her talking please.”

MRS PUNTER: “Are you okay? Good girl, good girl, good girl.”

OPERATOR: “Is there still no sign of the original patient?


OPERATOR: “Where has your husband gone?”

MRS PUNTER: “Oh man, I don’t know. Oh, still inside the house.”

OPERATOR: “Okay go back to your daughter please, keep reassuring her okay?”

MRS PUNTER: “You okay bub? Good girl.”

OPERATOR: “Keep talking to her.”

MRS PUNTER: “Good girl. Let me just move this stuff away.”

OPERATOR: “I need you to be careful with that broken glass, all right?”

MRS PUNTER: “I’m moving it away, is that okay?”

OPERATOR: “Yep, just be careful with it please.”

MRS PUNTER: “Dad. You need to stay here. Come here.

MR PUNTER (In the background): “I’m gonna kill them all.”

MRS PUNTER: “Can you come quick?”

OPERATOR: “We’re coming as quickly as we can okay we’re not too far away. What is your husband doing?”

MRS PUNTER: “He’s actually walking away now saying something about killing everybody … I don’t know if he has anything in his hands or not. Seriously, I don’t know what’s happening.”

OPERATOR: “Just keep talking to your daughter, we’re not far away.”

MRS PUNTER: “I just need to call my son.”

OPERATOR: “You just stay on the phone with me.”

MRS PUNTER: “Police and ambulance are on the way Kev. Annabelle, Annabelle Annabelle are you still with me? Far out. All good.”

OPERATOR: “What’s happening there?”

MRS PUNTER: “My husband is here in the house. I don’t know where the other person is.”

OPERATOR: “What’s happening there? Are you still near your daughter?”

MRS PUNTER: “No, she’s okay.”

OPERATOR: “I need you to go back to your daughter.”

MRS PUNTER: “Why are you taking so long?”

OPERATOR: “We’re coming as quickly as we can, Jane. Where is your husband?”

MRS PUNTER: “Where are you?”

OPERATOR: “Who are you talking to Jane?”

MRS PUNTER: “My husband.”

OPERATOR: “So he’s still there. Where is he? Inside the house or outside the house?”

MRS PUNTER: “Outside. Oh my god I had no idea how long this would take. Annabelle, are you okay? Yeah, just chill.”

OPERATOR: “Just keep talking to her okay.

MRS PUNTER: “Yeah. Oh man.”

OPERATOR: “Tell me what’s happening there please Jane. I need to know what’s happening there Jane. Where are you?”

MRS PUNTER: “I’m outside on the deck with Annabelle still.”

OPERATOR: “Where is your husband?”

MRS PUNTER: “He’s inside the house.”

OPERATOR: “Who’s that I can hear talking?”

MRS PUNTER: “This is my husband talking to me. We need help. I’m talking to my husband.”

OPERATOR: “He’s the one that stabbed the first gentleman and he’s the one that hurt your daughter is that correct?”

MRS PUNTER: “I don’t know if he was stabbed anywhere.”

OPERATOR: “No, not your husband.”

MRS PUNTER: “I didn’t see what happened so I don’t know. It doesn’t appear that he was stabbed.”

OPERATOR: “I need to know Jane is your husband still inside the house?”

MRS PUNTER: “He’s with me right here. With our daughter. Oh my god. Annabelle, are you okay? Are you still with me? It’s her birthday. Oh man. It’s her birthday. It doesn’t matter about the dog, okay?”

OPERATOR: “What is your husband doing now?

MRS PUNTER: “He’s just sitting having some water.”

OPERATOR: “How is your daughter? I need you to talk to your daughter and keep her awake.”

MRS PUNTER: “Annabelle are you still awake?”


MRS PUNTER: “Good girl. Just stay with me okay. I love you darling. Good girl. Oh man. How much longer?”

OPERATOR: “Are there any other people at the address?

MRS PUNTER: “There is ... my son’s not here.”

OPERATOR: “So it’s just the four of you. Who is that talking?”

MRS PUNTER: “My husband is trying to talk to my daughter who’s injured and she’s getting distressed.”

MR PUNTER (In the background): “Let her talk.”

MRS PUNTER: “She can talk but she has to keep still.”

OPERATOR: “Keep talking to your daughter.”

(Annabelle moves to the lounge)

MRS PUNTER: “Darling, it’s better if you lay down cause you are bleeding.”

OPERATOR: “I need you to control the bleeding Jane, get another cloth for me okay?”

MRS PUNTER: “It’s really hard to control the bleeding because she’s actually sitting up.”

OPERATOR: “Okay, Jane, listen to me okay? Get a cloth and apply firm pressure to her face to control the bleeding.”

MRS PUNTER: “She’s sitting up now so I can’t provide pressure. How much longer?”

OPERATOR: “They’re coming as quickly as they can.”

(Annabelle moves to the lounge)

MRS PUNTER: “Lay down. Oh f–k. It’s really bad. The bleeding is really bad.”

OPERATOR: “Okay Jane, get a cloth to control the bleeding. I need you to get a cloth to control the bleeding please.”

MRS PUNTER: “I can’t control the bleeding. She’s inside on the couch and she’s bleeding everywhere.”

OPERATOR: “I need to get something to control the bleeding from her face.”

MRS PUNTER: “I’m doing my best okay.”

OPERATOR: “I know you are.”

MR PUNTER (In the background): “Go away.”

OPERATOR: “Who is he telling to go away?”


OPERATOR: “You go away from him but go be with your daughter.”

MRS PUNTER: “He’s with my daughter.”

OPERATOR: “You need to go be with your daughter and help with the bleeding.”

MRS PUNTER: “The bleeding is okay I think now.”

OPERATOR: “Get a cloth and try and control the bleeding please Jane.”

MRS PUNTER: “She doesn’t want anything on her face.”

OPERATOR: “Is the blood still pouring out?”

MRS PUNTER: “It’s not, you can see the wound.”

OPERATOR: “Where abouts on her face is the wound?”

MRS PUNTER: “All on her face, her beautiful face. I’ve got some paper towel.”

OPERATOR: “Can you get a cloth?

MRS PUNTER: “She’s got a towel over her head.”

OPERATOR: “I need you to try and apply some pressure.”

MRS PUNTER: “She said please don’t. It’s not pouring out, but it’s still runny. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the pressure, it’s not pouring out.”

OPERATOR: “Just make sure you keep the pressure on there as best you can okay?”

MRS PUNTER: “I can’t, she doesn’t want it on her face.”

OPERATOR: “Just do the best you can okay Jane?”


OPERATOR: “Where is your husband at the moment?”

MRS PUNTER: “He’s with her.”

OPERATOR: “You just make you stay with her too please.”

MRS PUNTER: “Yeah, oh my god.”

OPERATOR: “Keep talking to her, keep her awake for me please.”

MRS PUNTER: “I’m just closing the bi-fold door and leaving everything as it was outside. We’re inside with her I don’t know where her boyfriend has gone.”

OPERATOR: “Okay, that’s all right I need you to look after your daughter okay?”

MRS PUNTER: “My daughter. How do I turn the music off?”

OPERATOR: “Keep talking to your daughter please Jane.”

MRS PUNTER: “Yeah I know, she’s with me.”

OPERATOR: “Just keep talking to her please.”

MRS PUNTER: “Darling are you okay? Annabelle are you okay? She nodded but she didn’t speak. Where’s your phone? I won’t be able to turn this off Kevin without your phone where is it? Oh man.”

OPERATOR: “Jane, keep talking to your daughter please.”

MRS PUNTER: “Annabelle are you okay? You okay bub?”

OPERATOR: “Make sure she wakes up and talks to you please.”

MRS PUNTER: “Hang in there okay? Annabelle? She’s just mumbling responses?

OPERATOR: “Is it still bleeding or is it controlled?”

MRS PUNTER: “She’s okay. Just keep still Belle.”

OPERATOR: “Just keep talking to her like I said.”

MRS PUNTER: “It’s okay. We’re here with you. I have to keep talking to her. Okay. Are they nearly here?”

OPERATOR: “They’re not too far away, just keep talking to her.”

MRS PUNTER: (Inaudible speaking) “I think I need to call my son.”

OPERATOR: “You can call him soon okay?”

MRS PUNTER: “Oh my god.”

OPERATOR: “Just keep talking to her please.”

MRS PUNTER: “My husband is talking to her, he’s sitting with her but she’s moaning and trying to get up.”

OPERATOR: “I need you to watch her. Make sure she doesn’t stand up.”

MRS PUNTER: “She’s not allowed to. She can’t.”

OPERATOR: “We really need her to not stand up.”

MRS PUNTER: “Annabelle, an ambulance is coming.”

MR PUNTER (in the background): “Hey Belle, tell me what’s happened. Tell me what’s happened to you. Did somebody hurt you? I think you may need to sit back a little bit.”

(More inaudible talking)

OPERATOR: “Just a small sip of water darling here. Do you want some water?”

MR PUNTER (In the background): “Belle, I stabbed your boyfriend to death.”

MRS PUNTER: “Ohhh, idiot. Okay I need to call me son.”

OPERATOR: “No, not at the moment Jane you can do that shortly okay when we get in there.”

MRS PUNTER: “Oh please, hurry up please. Just stay there darling you can go to sleep soon. Yeah, it’s okay. Oh my god this is taking way too long. We have an ambulance station down the road”

OPERATOR: “Yeah there are no ambulances at that station at the moment Jane. They are all out on jobs. I need you to keep talking to your daughter and monitoring her. You need to keep her awake and keep her talking.”

MRS PUNTER: “She’s awake and I’m doing the best I can okay?”

OPERATOR: “You are doing the best you can and you’re doing a very good job there all right?”

MRS PUNTER: “Shhh ... shut up.”

OPERATOR: “What’s happening there Jane?”

MRS PUNTER: “Yeah, yeah, I’m here.”

OPERATOR: “Okay. Keep talking to your daughter.”

MRS PUNTER: “She’s still awake, all good. Give her a sip of water. It’s okay darling.”

OPERATOR: “Keep talking to her Jane.”

MRS PUNTER: “Yeah. My husband is here with her. I don’t think she understands what’s happened.”

OPERATOR: “I need you to keep her awake and keep her talking because we’re not sure of all the injuries that she has.”

MRS PUNTER: “Annabelle are you okay? Yep. Good girl. Are you comfortable there?”

OPERATOR: “Jane is there any bleeding still from your daughter?”

MRS PUNTER: “I can only see what’s happening on the outside. Open wounds.”

OPERATOR: “Open wounds where?”

MRS PUNTER: “All over her face.”

OPERATOR: “And none of them are bleeding is that right?”

MRS PUNTER: “They look like they’re congealing. Ah ah ah, darling. Lay down. She needs to lay down. She wants to get up now.”

OPERATOR: “Just watch her closely if she stands up.”

MRS PUNTER: “Annabelle please, I’m here for you okay. It’s okay. If you put your face back it will help. Hello?”

OPERATOR: “What's happening there Jane.”

MRS PUNTER: “She's just sitting up.”

OPERATOR: “But there's no bleeding.”

MRS PUNTER: “I think so.”

OPERATOR: “I want you to look at her again and tell me can you see any other wounds?”


OPERATOR: “Okay Jane just keep talking to her.”

MRS PUNTER: “Yep. Darling are you okay? Okay.”

OPERATOR: “Keep talking to her.”

MRS PUNTER: “Just rest, just rest.”

OPERATOR: “What’s happening?”

MRS PUNTER: “My husband is talking to her and I’m getting the phone and the Medicare card ready.”


MRS PUNTER: “That’s all I can do really.”

OPERATOR: “Just keep watching her please Jane. Keep talking to her and keeping her awake.”

MRS PUNTER: “Chill Belle, chill. Sleep there then. Here’s a blanket for you.”

MRS PUNTER: “Are you coughing?”

OPERATOR: “Is she coughing up blood?”

MRS PUNTER: “Yes she is. Uncontrollably. You really need to come.”

OPERATOR: “We’re coming as quickly as we can okay I just need you to keep watching her. Is she standing up or is she on her side?”

MRS PUNTER: “She’s on her side.”

OPERATOR: “Keep her on her side while she’s vomiting the blood.”

MRS PUNTER: “It looks like ... if she’s coughing up blood she has internal injuries.”

OPERATOR: “What room of the house are you all in?”

MRS PUNTER: “We’re in a small house in the lounge room but it’s just one big room with two bedrooms. You need to really get someone here urgently.”

OPERATOR: “And all three of you are in the lounge room?”

MRS PUNTER: “Yes and I’m really stressed.”

OPERATOR: “I need you to stay with me okay?”

MRS PUNTER: “How many minutes has this been? You need to get the police here too.”

OPERATOR: “The police are coming as well I’ve already organised them.”

MRS PUNTER: “Kevin, I need to call Miles. He should be here.”

OPERATOR: “You said it’s only a very small house is that correct?”

MRS PUNTER: “Someone is coming.”

OPERATOR: “Is somebody coming okay tell me when somebody is inside.”

Ambulance arrived.

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