
Sunshine Coast ‘ghost’ experience terrifies mum on camping trip

A romantic getaway became the holiday from hell after a Sunshine Coast couple experienced what they claimed was a paranormal experience. Do you believe in ghosts? Vote in our poll.

One of the camping spots that Candi O'neill and her husband Scott set up at.
One of the camping spots that Candi O'neill and her husband Scott set up at.

A couple’s romantic getaway became a terrifying ordeal during what a mum-of-five described as a paranormal experience at a Sunshine Coast campground.

Beerburrum resident Candi O’neill said she captured a ghost in one of her photos.

Mrs O’neill and her husband, Scott O’neill, hooked up their caravan for a couple of nights away from their five children in July, 2022.

They travelled from Beerburrum to the Coochin Creek Campground and set up on a lesser-used side road before the main campground.

The mum said nothing unusual happened on the first night of their getaway, though their romantic evening was interrupted by two other families arriving.

Candi O'neill and her husband Scott got more than they bargained for when they went on a trip to Coochin Creek.
Candi O'neill and her husband Scott got more than they bargained for when they went on a trip to Coochin Creek.

During a walk the next day, the couple discovered what looked like a grave.

They got back to camp late and decided to move in the hope of gaining privacy.

A grave-like mound that Candi O'neill found during a camping trip at Coochin Creek.
A grave-like mound that Candi O'neill found during a camping trip at Coochin Creek.

Mrs O’neill said the couple set up a new camp and were in their caravan when P-platers drove past who started yelling outside their caravan.

She said her husband decided to move camp, again, and they drove in the dark before finding another spot.

The couple again attempted some romance when suddenly there were three loud bangs on the side of their caravan.

“My husband didn’t even get his clothes on, he just went flying out and there were no cars, no people, no nothing,” Mrs O’neill said.

Mum Candi O'neill said she captured a ghost in this picture, taken when on a camping trip at Coochin Creek in July, 2022.
Mum Candi O'neill said she captured a ghost in this picture, taken when on a camping trip at Coochin Creek in July, 2022.

Then the pair heard a noise.

Mrs O’neill said it was a heavy, abnormal breathing sound as if something was rushing to the forest edge and was about to jump out at them but then nothing would come out.

The pair decided to move again, and again there was a loud bang on the side of their caravan and the same noise in this new camping spot.

Her husband again rushed out of the caravan, this time with their dog in tow.

“Hubby basically looked like a caveman himself with no clothes on at the edge of the forest,” Mrs O’neill said.

She said she did not want to continue their camping adventure and claims she spotted what she believed to be a ghost in one of her photos as they drove away.

“I was absolutely petrified,” the mum said.

“The banging and the noise was definitely paranormal.”

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