

Glasshouse District Cricket Club nude calendar for men’s mental health

Stripping and baring it all in the name of a good cause was worth it for Sunshine Coast cricketers who have launched their nude calendar. See the cheeky pics.

Some of the Glasshouse cricketers featured in the calendar.
Some of the Glasshouse cricketers featured in the calendar.

Senior players from Glasshouse District Cricket Club have stripped down to star in a cheeky calendar in an effort to bring more awareness to the importance of men’s mental health.

More than 150 people attended the nude calendar launch on November 19 at the Glasshouse Mountains Sports Club.

Club president and Sunshine Coast team of the 2000s player Jeremy Schultz said he was proud of his teammates.

“Laying it all bare, whether you’re taking off your clothes or talking about your mental health struggles, is really tough,” he said.

“By taking part in this photo shoot, and sharing it with the public, we’re sending a message that we accept ourselves, and we accept you.

“The message I wanted to send by being involved in the calendar was that it's okay to speak up.

“As men I don't think we do that enough and I think it’s important if we can show in some regard that it’s okay to feel uncomfortable and still put yourself out there that’s important.”

The reveal of the calendar, which features 12 members, was met with overwhelming support from attendees, with more than 100 copies sold and close to $4000 raised in one night.

The 2021/22 Queensland cricket club of the year has more than 100 male cricketers aged between 13 and 65.

Glasshouse partnered Sunshine Coast “mateship movement”, Grab Life by the Balls, which helps men establish stronger social connections and improve their quality of life.

Ben Stokes who is “Mr September” said it was a courageous thing to do for a good cause.

“It’s not weak to speak,” he said.

“If we had the courage to get nude in front of the camera, it’s not too hard to reach out to a mate and have a chat.”

Grab Life by the Balls founder Sam Parker said the organisation was about mateship and mental health.

“Social isolation is a key contributor to poor mental health and our hope is that we can encourage men to prioritise their mental health by putting themselves out there, and sharing their struggles with their mates,” Mr Parker said.

Calendars are available to purchase via the Glasshouse Cricket Club website with all proceeds from sales of the calendar supporting the Grab Life by the Balls movement.

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