
Skate star jailed for 400kg coke bust takes legal hit

Former pro skater, one of a trio handed hefty sentences for drug bust, takes case to top court

Holger Sander was jailed for 30 years after he and two other men tried smuggling 400kg of cocaine into Australia. Picture: Facebook
Holger Sander was jailed for 30 years after he and two other men tried smuggling 400kg of cocaine into Australia. Picture: Facebook

A SKATEBOARD star locked up for cocaine importation has suffered another legal blow.

German former pro skater Holger Sander was jailed for 30 years in 2015.

So was Simon Golding - previously the sole crew mate of missing Coffs Harbour sailor Andrew Witton - and Terrance Elfar.

Sander applied to the High Court of Australia for special leave to appeal.

The High Court this month considered constitutional issues and the legality of interrogation in Sander's case.

"In this country there appears to be a growth of what might be described as a collateral parallel executive court system [engaging in] interrogation of individuals charged with criminal offences,” his barrister Gabriel Wendler told the court.

He asked the court to consider if Sander's matter should be joined with a Victorian case discussing issues including how the Australian Crime Commission carried out compulsory examination.

But the court said that case had "strands” not present in Sander's, and he had "insufficient prospects” of success.

Special leave was refused. -NewsRegional

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