
REMINISCE: Tin-can telephone catch-up

WITH aged care homes in lockdown due to the coronavirus crisis, residents have been finding new ways to enjoy the sunshine and reminisce with their neighbours.

FUN TIMES REVISITED: Regis Maroochydore residents Norma Rogers and Rita Williams, enjoying the sunshine and reminiscing, while still keeping in mind social distancing.
FUN TIMES REVISITED: Regis Maroochydore residents Norma Rogers and Rita Williams, enjoying the sunshine and reminiscing, while still keeping in mind social distancing.

WITH aged care homes in lockdown due to the coronavirus crisis, residents have been finding new ways to enjoy the sunshine and reminisce with their neighbours.

Regis Maroochydore residents Norma Rogers and Rita Williams discovered a fun, old school way to have a chat through their tin-can telephone, while keeping in mind social distancing.

Rita said she had enjoyed playing the game as a child.

“I was only a kid when I had one of those. It brought back a lot of memories,” Rita said.

“It’s going back a long while … kids’ toys these days are too expensive.

“This has started off our memories. It’s wonderful.”

Norma said they always had a lot of fun together at Regis.

“The one I had as a kid was made out of jam tins – nowhere near as big as that,” Norma said.

“My father used to dry out pigs’ bladders, pump them up, and we used to kick it around as our ball.”

FUN: Regis Maroochydore residents Norma Rogers and Rita Williams, enjoying the sunshine and reminiscing, while still keeping in mind social distancing.
FUN: Regis Maroochydore residents Norma Rogers and Rita Williams, enjoying the sunshine and reminiscing, while still keeping in mind social distancing.

Regis Maroochydore facility manager Kirsty Warburton said their PIEC and S Lifestyle Program continued to evolve and expand to meet the ever-changing needs of residents across their 65 homes in these challenging times.

“Although we have had to cease some activities, this has provided a wonderful opportunity to introduce new ones,” she said.

“Our residents are provided with regular updates and provide input on programs they want introduced.

“This has included COVID-19 education and discussion groups, increased individual visits, utilising iPads and Surface Pros for games, puzzles, specific interests and, most importantly, allowing residents to video call or telephone loved ones.

“Our wellness checks continue to occur, and residents are still setting regular goals.

“Old favourites such as happy hours, reminiscing, bingo, exercises and trivia continue with social-distancing rules enforced, while individual programs such as music memories, PARO and Resi at home have increased.”

Read related topics:Aged Care

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