
Sadik Uluhan pleads guilty to stabbing neighbour at Sippy Downs

A feud that began over a doorbell alarm being activated by a bike rider has turned bloody after a cabinet-maker plunged a knife into his neighbour’s stomach.

Sadik Uluhan faced Maroochydore District Court on Monday. Picture: Sam Turner
Sadik Uluhan faced Maroochydore District Court on Monday. Picture: Sam Turner

A bizarre dispute over a doorbell alarm has acted as the catalyst for a brutal suburban stabbing on a quiet Sunshine Coast street.

Tensions were brewing in the lead up to Sadik Uluhan’s knifing of his neighbour at Sippy Downs that left the victim with a pierced liver, resulting in multiple blood transfusions.

The Maroochydore District Court heard on Monday the victim was becoming irritated after suspecting his 65-year-old neighbour was activating his doorbell alarm by driving his bicycle on the grass.

Crown prosecutor Michael Andronicus said Uluhan activated the doorbell camera again with his bike on February 19, 2022 and decided to wait for the cabinet-maker to return.

Mr Andronicus said Uluhan returned on his push bike with groceries.

The victim became verbally aggressive and stepped within 1.5m of the Sippy Downs man.

The court was told the victim stepped towards Uluhan with a hand raised, which caused the cabinet-maker to retreat to his bicycle.

Uluhan then produced a knife and stabbed the man in the stomach, which prompted the neighbour to deliver a blow to the 65-year-old’s face.

Uluhan after he was granted bail in 2022.
Uluhan after he was granted bail in 2022.

Mr Andronicus said the victim did not know he was stabbed until he saw blood on his shoes and shirt.

The victim then kicked the weapon out of Uluhan’s hand after he realised it was a 10cm kitchen knife.

Uluhan fled into his home and washed his hands and the knife, while emergency services were called for the victim.

The court was told the victim suffered wounds to his abdomen and liver along with a small cut to his thigh and was in hospital for several days.

He was forced to have multiple blood transfusions, a laparotomy and post-operative physiotherapy.

Mr Andronicus said there was no victim impact statement, however, stated the man made a full recovery and was back playing rugby again.

When Uluhan was interviewed by police he said the victim actually brought the knife to the fight, however the crown prosecutor said this wasn’t accepted, with the 65-year-old acting “excessively” while defending himself.

He pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm.
He pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm.

Mr Andronicus told the court it was conceded the victim’s demeanour gave Uluhan the “reasonable belief” there was going to be violence.

Defence barrister Nathan Turner said Uluhan’s criminality was reduced because he had justification to use force, but not the force he ended up using.

Mr Turner said Uluhan spent five days in custody before he was granted bail, which left quite the impact on him.

The court heard the 65-year-old became an Australian citizen in 1997 after emigrating from Turkey. In his life he was previously an engineer, a restaurateur and now worked as a cabinet-maker.

The defence barrister said the Sippy Downs man also suffered a fractured nose from the punch.

Judge Ian Dearden said the victim’s conduct prior to the stabbing was “concerning and certainly triggering” however stated there was a “very serious risk of injury” after Uluhan brought a knife to a “fist fight”.

The Sippy Downs man pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm and was sentenced to two and a half years’ jail.

This was suspended for three years after the five days the 65-year-old spent in custody.

He was also ordered to pay $1000 restitution.

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