
Kid killer jailed after meth-crazed crash

A dad convicted of killing his toddler stepson was jailed for a string of fraud, driving and drug offences.

Matthew Scown was sentenced to 18 months jail, to be released after six months.
Matthew Scown was sentenced to 18 months jail, to be released after six months.

A FATHER convicted of killing his toddler stepson was jailed for a string of fraud, driving and drug offences committed less than two years after he was released from jail.

Matthew Ian Anthony Scown shot up four points of methamphetamine before driving erratically along a pedestrian footbridge and through roadworks, before losing control and crashing on June 4.

The 36-year-old sat fidgeting, with his head in his hands as he appeared on a videolink to Maroochydore Magistrates Court on Thursday.

He was initially jailed for the manslaughter of his four-year-old stepson, Tyrell Cobb.

His latest offences were committed less than 18 months after his release when he was still serving the remainder of his four-year suspended sentence.

Police prosecutor Jeanette Grigoris said the most serious dangerous operation charge could have resulted in a horrific outcome.

The court heard on June 4, Scown admitted to shooting up four points of meth in 24 hours before borrowing a car and driving along Roys Rd, Beerwah.

He eventually crashed into a ditch after overtaking a rubbish truck.

Matthew Scown was sentenced to 18 months’ jail, to be released in six months for a string of fraud charges committed this year.
Matthew Scown was sentenced to 18 months’ jail, to be released in six months for a string of fraud charges committed this year.

A shotgun was also found at the scene after it flung out from under a front seat.

Scown was also charged with more than a dozen fraud charges after racking up more than $2000 on stolen credit cards.

Senior Constable Grigoris said Scown used the cards on January 4 and April 6, and attempted to splurge on an $1000 purchase of clothes before he was caught.

The court heard Scown also stole a set of keys from a woman playing pokies, unlocked the car and was subsequently charged with unlawful use of a motor vehicle.

Scown pleaded guilty to 29 charges at Maroochydore Magistrates Court on Thursday including dangerous operation of a vehicle adversely effected by a substance, and driving without a licence.

Defence lawyer Ben Rynderman said Scown admitted to having a “debilitating habit” but was determined to rehabilitate when he was released.

Mr Rynderman highlighted Scown’s co-operation with police by making full admissions to his drug use on the road side.

The court heard of Scown’s “significant history”, littered with assault, wilful damage and the manslaughter charge from 2009.

Scown leaving the Brisbane Supreme Court after his sentence was suspended.(AAP Image/Dave Hunt)
Scown leaving the Brisbane Supreme Court after his sentence was suspended.(AAP Image/Dave Hunt)

Mr Scown pleaded guilty to manslaughter in 2017, and was sentenced to four years’ jail with immediate release for the two years and eight months already served.

At the time of sentencing, the Supreme Court in Brisbane heard Tyrell died of an abdominal injury, and his body had a total of 53 bruises and 17 grazes.

Justice Martin Burns then told the court it was not suggested Scown knew about or inflicted the fatal blow on the little boy.

He was liable for the boy’s death because he failed to seek medical treatment when he first realised the boy was hurt.

“This isn’t a trivial offence,” Mr Rynderman said.

Today, magistrate Chris Callaghan disagreed with the submission that Scown had prospects of rehabilitation, saying he needed to protect the community from people like him.

Scown repeatedly interrupted Mr Callaghan in his sentencing as he highlighted the “troublesome” circumstances surrounding the fraud charges.

He was eventually was sentenced to 18 months jail, to be released after six months, and disqualified from driving for 17 months.

He was ordered to pay $2091 restitution and a conviction was recorded.

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