
Jake Allen Smith in court for supplying methamphetamine

A Sunshine Coast drug dealer has faced court after a police operation uncovered a bungled attempt to sell $500 worth of meth.

A Sunshine Coast court has heard details into how police uncovered a bungled $500 attempted meth deal involving a 27-year-old drug dealer. Picture: iStock
A Sunshine Coast court has heard details into how police uncovered a bungled $500 attempted meth deal involving a 27-year-old drug dealer. Picture: iStock

A Sunshine Coast court has heard details into how police uncovered a botched $500 meth sale involving a 27-year-old drug dealer.

Maroochydore District Court was told on Thursday Jake Allan Smith, 27, had organised to supply a “half ball”, or 1.75 grams, of meth to a “Barry” for $500 on February 18, 2022. This was cost price, the court was told.

Crown prosecutor Rebecca Marks said the customer waited around the corner from Smith’s Buddina unit, but he never showed up.

“The defendant slept through and did not end up supplying the methylamphetamine,” she said.

On March 2, his parole was suspended and on March 3, police searched Smith’s home and seized his phone, where they found messages of the bungled drug deal.

Maroochydore Courthouse. Picture: Patrick Woods.
Maroochydore Courthouse. Picture: Patrick Woods.

Ms Marks said Smith lied about his name and birthday, but police found his bank card and realised he was on a return to prison warrant.

He was taken to the watch house, charged and remanded in custody. The bungled drug deal breached an earlier parole order, the court was told.

Defence barrister Matthew Hynes said his client grew up in a domestically violent household, which resulted in his father being jailed when he was a teenager.

Smith was living with his father at the time, Mr Hynes said, and chose to couch-surf rather than live with his mother. He then began using drugs, which spiralled out of control.

“Cannabis turned to harder drugs. Methylamphetamine has been a problem in his 20s,” Mr Hynes said.

He said Smith, who had a lengthy criminal history, had anger and drug issues that exacerbated his offending.

But since being placed in custody, he had completed an anger course and two drug courses.

He intended to live with his mother and to work as a concreter upon release.

Smith pleaded guilty to one charge of supplying a dangerous drug.

He was sentenced to six months behind bars, suspended immediately for nine months, but he will not be released from custody until October when a previous four-year prison sentence will be complete.

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