
Why does god get the credit?

Why does god get the credit for the work of rescuers or skilled surgeons and medical staff?

EFFORT: Is this a miracle? Or is it just dedicated, selfless, skilled work at play to save lives? Picture: SOCCORSO ALPINO HANDOUT
EFFORT: Is this a miracle? Or is it just dedicated, selfless, skilled work at play to save lives? Picture: SOCCORSO ALPINO HANDOUT


A CHRISTIAN shared a joke about atheist logic, basically saying that atheists attribute architecture, art and other creations to the brilliant handiwork of the artist, but fail to acknowledge god as the creator of Earth.

It struck me as a remarkably stupid, ignorant view which flew in the face of evolution and science.

It also reminded me of one of the things I despise most about religion. The 'miracle'.

Nothing baffles me more than the immediate thanks given to god after a loved one survives a delicate surgery or hopeless situation.

The religious willingly ignore the tireless efforts of doctors, surgeons or rescue workers who studied science or trained for years, sometimes decades, to become skilled enough to save the life of their loved one.

The fact they survived was all down to god and simply had to be a miracle.

It wasn't down to the men and women risking life and limb or performing life-saving procedures without flinching, right?

I reckon it's time to give credit where it's due.

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