
SOAP BOX: Marriage equality plebiscite a delaying tactic

SUPER-conservative Eric Abetz and a few of his like-minded colleagues have suggested they might choose to ignore the instructions of the Australian people.

ALL this kerfuffle over marriage equality.

Super-conservative Eric Abetz and a few of his like-minded colleagues have suggested they might choose to ignore the instructions of the Australian people, which is supposed to be delivered via plebiscite at the next federal election.

Basically, this whole plebiscite boils down to an expensive delaying tactic.

Polls have been saying for years a solid majority of Australians are perfectly OK with men getting married to men or women getting to married to women - and why wouldn't we?

Unless it's to one of my kids or siblings, I couldn't care less who you get married to (and if it is one of my kids or siblings you are getting married to, then, provided you're not going to do them harm, it's none of my business).

If you're a guy and want to get married to another guy or a girl and want to get married to another girl, best of luck to you - it's got nothing to do with me.

It's a pretty obvious and logical conclusion to reach and it baffles and really annoys me that, until recently, so many of our parliamentarians couldn't get their heads around it.

Ultimately though, Eric and his mates - including Captain Tony, who is still spruiking "traditional marriage" in speeches - could only hope for a delaying tactic.

The tide of public opinion on this issue has been clear for a long time and, like the non-metaphoric tide, there's no holding it back.

So, in the end we're blowing however many millions this plebiscite will cost us to tell us something we already know simply so some pollies who can't cope with homosexuality can delay the inevitable.

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