
Same-sex marriage: Where's the voice for No voters?

No media I read; watch or listen to seem to believe that we “NO” voters have a right to say so, let alone combine forces to ensure our say.

Churches have a right to have a voice on same sex marriage. Picture: Max Fleet
Churches have a right to have a voice on same sex marriage. Picture: Max Fleet

So Scott Sawyer now believes it's "Time for the church to cough up tax" ("My Say", Daily "Opinion" 11.10.'17).

Scott's previous "opinions" clearly say he is a "Yes" voter, as are all current "Daily" editorial; ABC; and other media staff; wall-to-wall.

No media I read; watch or listen to seem to believe that we "NO" voters have a right to say so, let alone combine forces to ensure our say.

All church primary income is gifted by their supporters; part of which is invested in income-producing assets that satisfies their Biblical duty of being "good stewards".

Much of it is for charities, including the homing and supporting of children that find themselves in need.

These services are always stretched to their limit and beyond.

Scott has not noted that "sexual abuse" he criticises churches for is almost always by male adults on male children; fewer on girls and less on women.

Modern reporting has exposed church leaders "with their pants down" and unable to fund proper filtering out of these sexually perverted individuals from among their carers.

While I give his profession credit for doing that; perhaps Scott should equally examine the State controlled institutions; their success rate is at best no better.

Should these non-profit people be "taxed" too?

While the "mud" is being thrown; how about "false news"?

It's still "false" if it's not reported at all!

All media lead us to believe there are/will be no adverse consequences from the legalising of same-sex marriage.

Yet reliable internet news sources indicate that virtually every concern Christians have of "Yes" vote outcomes is already happening in its now accepted countries.

When will the "Daily" report these?

Or will it "rubbish" internet news if it's discussed at all?

Frank Davis


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