
Opening old wounds inflicted by former Queensland premier

Newman's decision to attack and financially cripple 15,000 healthcare workers is still considered extremely embarrassing amongst the LNP grassroot supporters.

Former Queensland Premier Campbell Newman. Picture: Ben Turnbull BUN250115NEW3
Former Queensland Premier Campbell Newman. Picture: Ben Turnbull BUN250115NEW3

RE ESTELLE Laming (Daily, March 12), 'Voters do remember'.

Estelle has only reopened old wounds by reminding us of the dreadful fact that her state LNP Government under Premier Campbell Newman was absolutely ruthless and totally uncaring in sacking 15,000 Queensland healthcare workers.

These healthcare workers were initially employed by the Beattie and Bligh state Labor governments to correctly right the bad decision of the Goss Labor Government.

Yes Estelle, voters do remember all too well. Newman's decision to attack and financially cripple 15,000 healthcare workers is still considered extremely embarrassing amongst the LNP grassroot supporters.



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