
MY SAY: Suing over a mullet meme - now I've heard it all

IF YOU'RE going to sport a mullet, you can't turn around and sue people for making fun of you.

IF YOU'RE going to sport a mullet, you can't turn around and sue people for making fun of you.

Where I come from, mullets are the cause of instant respect, if not admiration - after all, a person clinging on to a hairdo that's been so long out of fashion must have true character, right?

The predictable easygoing nature of a mullet-wearer is one of the attractions.

A typical mulletee is a down-to-earth bloke. Not particularly fussed about fashion.

He might have always had a fondness for hair around the ears, but has never been keen on a full head of locks.

He gets teased occasionally, but he's a good sport. If he gets jack of the comments, he opts for a short-back-and-sides for a bit.


A young man from Western Sydney is reportedly suing a number of media outlets for defamation after a photo of him and his alleged mullet went viral.

Many of the images were photoshopped into memes, with witty and humourous observations - "Pythagorus" and the like.

Ali Ziggi Mosslmani reportedly claims he's been ridiculed and defamed.

IF you're going to sport a mullet, you can't turn around and sue people for making fun of you.
IF you're going to sport a mullet, you can't turn around and sue people for making fun of you.

After carefully reviewing this individual hair style, I think said media and rogue meme-makers may have made a terrible mistake.

His hairdo is not actually a mullet.

I would argue it's an undercut-cum-overcut with a luxuriant rear coiffure, but it's not mullet.

There's not enough 'party at the back'.

You've just got to have tufts down low.

Do yourself a favour and Google this guy - because this image shows a truly inspiring hairstyle.

He's got the essential ingredients right - short up front, longer at the back. But his 'party' starts at the crown, and meets a closely shaved head.

Buddy, you must know it's not a mullet unless it really looks like there's a fish on your head.

Your hairdo is far too clean and sculptured.

Mr Mosslmani, I'd be taking that argument all the way to the bank.

Your hairdo was true art, but it's not a mullet. Is it fair to put you in the same camp as true mullet-wearers?

If Sunny Coasters think this conversation has limited relevance in their life, they can think again.

The mullet will always be a talking point and a source of comic relief. A quick search of Facebook proves my point.

Just a few months back a local resident noted a resurgence in mullets among children. It's "frightening", she posted, demanding answers.

Some will tell you the mullet is a natural hairdo for children - length at the back is how the hair naturally grows.

Mullets are clearly a part of our social fabric. Embrace them and defend their champions - we owe that to our earliest mullet pioneers.

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