
MY SAY: Conservative Libs scared of minority

SOAPBOX: Conservative Liberals jumping up and down, scared of annoying right-wing supporters, underestimate the credit they'd earn for doing the right thing.

WARNING: Senator Eric Abetz is concerned by the possibility of Liberal backbenchers crossing the floor to allow debate on same-sex marriage. Picture: LUKAS COCH-AAP
WARNING: Senator Eric Abetz is concerned by the possibility of Liberal backbenchers crossing the floor to allow debate on same-sex marriage. Picture: LUKAS COCH-AAP

CHARACTER, conviction, fairness.

All words pretty commonly spouted by most politicians as traits needed, qualities required, to govern for the people.

So it seems odd that those on the furthest of right wings of the Liberal Party appear set to light the fuse and self-destruct if some of their party colleagues display some of these traits.

Eric Abetz made some veiled threats, declaring the prospect of Liberal MPs crossing the floor to bring on a marriage equality debate as an "exceptionally grave matter" while Education Minister Simon Birmingham warned backbenchers to "exercise carefully, with caution and with consideration for all of the consequences" their right to cross the floor on a conscience vote.

Sage advice given the catastrophic consequences at stake.

I mean, geez, what a disaster if out of the process, people in long-term, loving relationships, were able to get married, while the rest of us continue to do whatever we please.

It's time the conservatives got their advisors and rusted-on, aging memberships out of their heads.

They don't represent a cross-section of the voting public.

Personally, if an MP has the fortitude to cross the floor, show some conviction, go against a party commandment and vote for what simply is the right thing to do, my respect for them would only ever increase.

I don't think I'm alone in that.

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