
MY SAY: Can’t complain about the PM if you tuned out too

A Prime Minister’s stay can be all too fleeting, as we've seen over recent years.

WE ARE three days away from deciding which party will lead this country ever closer to 2020.

I don't say deciding who will lead this country because as we've all seen over recent years, a Prime Minister's stay can be all too fleeting.

Don't let the dour nature of the marathon campaign fool you, this election is significant.

In what has been extremely turbulent times in an ever-changing world, we are faced with making a decision in a horribly uninspiring political landscape.

The ease with which billions of dollars were tossed about during Monday night's Q and A was concerning.

Young people facing the reality that we'll probably never own a home in our lifetime were forced to watch on as two leaders vying for our votes debated over whether one party was $16 billion better off than the other.

Much has been made by the Shorten-led ALP of the supposed attack on Medicare by the Coalition, who have declared they are the only credible option during times that call for stability.

Labor have placed their chips in appealing to the parents, declaring investments in education and healthcare and chipping away at a Coalition it says will give free kicks to big business and corporate greed.

In the blue corner, the rhetoric has been about jobs and growth ad nauseam, with claims they will spur small-to-medium businesses onto bigger and better things while vowing to crack down on serious tax evasion.

But the biggest flashpoint of the entire campaign has been the scandal that wasn't about a supposed fake tradie used in an election ad who turned out to be legitimate.

Such is the doldrums this farcical two-month campaign has driven us to, the biggest talking point about the leadership of our nation is about a dodgy television ad.

So who is to blame?

I can't blame the politicians. They're opportunist by nature- and one wonders whether they are really driven by the desire to improve the lives of constituents- but they saw an opportunity to outlast an already apathetic, disengaged public and campaign them into blind submission.

They've succeeded.

Can you name a time when either leader was really given the go-over? When policies were given the fine-tooth comb treatment?

Or were we caught up in AFP raids, fake tradies or whether one leader's 'man-boobs' affected his capability as a future PM?

Like many other nations we've fallen into the trap of viral, social media-driven, shallow political 'analysis' and in doing so allowed those living off our money completely off the hook.

We only get the leaders we deserve so we can only blame ourselves.

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