
Is it time for change on bike helmets?

IT SEEMS like everyone in the suburban streets around my home is riding a protest march on helmets, but this parade runs all day, every day.

It's apparently now an unwritten rule that helmet rules don't matter. Picture: Marc Stapelberg
It's apparently now an unwritten rule that helmet rules don't matter. Picture: Marc Stapelberg

THIS weekend protesters among our southern neighbours will risk fines to take a short ride without helmets through Brisbane in the Freestyle Cyclists' Helmet Optional Ride.

It seems like everyone in the suburban streets around my home is running a similar protest, but this parade runs all day, every day.

It has become almost unusual (and, I suspect, uncool) to see a casual bike rider wearing a helmet.

I've even seen children going helmet-free while riding with their parents.

These laws have been in place for decades, but it's obvious people don't take them seriously.

Laws are meant to reflect our social views on what's acceptable, and if the numbers in the anti-helmet brigade are anything to go by, it could be time for change.

Sure, cyclists who ride along the roads should need to wear helmets, since they're a lot closer to danger for an extended period of time.

It's the casual riders, who might just be heading down to the shop or riding to work, who want change.

Perhaps adults should be allowed to ride without a helmet on streets where the speed limit is 50km/h or less, and consigned to the footpath on streets from 60km/h.

It's a slippery slope, but a change to the law is surely more workable than trying to manage the vast majority of riders who ignore it.

Sure, helmets can save lives. So could forcing all surfers to wear life jackets.

Hell, maybe taking away the "rebel" factor from the wind-in-the-hair warriors will make wearing helmets cooler.

And others might be persuaded to dig that rusty old Huffy out of the shed.

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