
Next generation of motocross goes head-to-head in a Coast first

Four hundred riders are expected to travel to Coolum to compete at the Yamaha Blu Cru Stadium Cross Championships.

EXTREME SPORT: Suncoast JMC riders go head-to-head on the new Coolum track.
EXTREME SPORT: Suncoast JMC riders go head-to-head on the new Coolum track.

Coolum is gearing up for its first Yamaha Blu Cru Stadium Cross Championships, which is set to impress.

Almost 400 riders are expected to compete at the second round of the championships organised by the Suncoast Junior Motorcycle club.

Australian motocross and supercross ace Daniel McCoy has been coaching at the Coolum motocross track for three years and said the upcoming event on January 18 is a first for the Sunshine Coast.

“It’s stadium cross so it’s not something that we have a lot of in Australia, it’s in-between a supercross which is a very technical track built in stadiums and a motocross track, which is a wide-open track in a paddock,” he said.

“It’s good for all the riders that are obviously learning or wanting to be supercross racers, we really want to get the kids skills levels up as high as we can and then bring them into the supercross championship which is the ultimate goal for the majority of these kids.

“They’ve got to start somewhere with their skills to chase their dreams and I think we can give them that with the track.”

Suncoast JMC president Matt Holliday said after having the Australian Supercross round two last year the club wanted to ensure the sports future.

“We had the Australian supercross round two here at this same venue last year and I guess it’s come across … that there could be more competitors and that comes down to the younger generation coming up and filling those gates and being able to ride that style of track so it’s more of a breeding game for that and that’s what we set out to do,” he said.

“The track isn’t quite as dangerous or technical, so it allows juniors that aren’t endorsed to race in that environment and get the skills to eventually step into supercross,” he said.

Riders are expected to travel from all over Australia to compete in the event which will showcase numerous age groups from four year olds to veteran athletes.

McCoy said the local riders were well prepared for the competition.

“They have been going really good we have obviously got the track already established and they’ve been getting a lot of time on it so it’s going to be an advantage for those kids and a lot of the local talent should go really good,” he said.

With the first round being held at Coffs Harbour on January 11 the championship winner will be awarded at the end of the Coolum round.

“I think it’s going to be awesome for the community and the Sunshine Coast it’s great for tourism, it’s an extreme sport that you don’t see every day so I think if the locals can get there it is going to be something that they haven’t seen before.” McCoy said.

Going from 10am to 9pm tickets can be purchased at the gate and will be $15 for an adult and $5 for a child.

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