
New laser reduces pain in animals

THIS laser might be the latest piece of veterinary equipment but do not worry, you will still be able to get to giggle at dogs with buckets around their heads.

Dr Kim Evans, of All Animals Vet Services in Nambour that has a new laser for surgery. Picture: CHE CHAPMAN
Dr Kim Evans, of All Animals Vet Services in Nambour that has a new laser for surgery. Picture: CHE CHAPMAN

THIS laser might be the latest piece of veterinary equipment but do not worry, you will still be able to get to giggle at dogs with buckets around their heads.

“Unfortunately, you can’t tell animals not to lick or bite themselves so there will still be buckets,” veterinarian Vicki Barker said.

All Animals Veterinary Services at Nambour is the only clinic in Queensland to have the $44,000 laser which it uses in the operating theatre.

The state-of-the-art equipment reduces pain, blood loss and swelling while increasing precision.

Dr Barker said soft tissue surgeries had become quicker and less complicated since the clinic picked up the laser a month ago.

“It’s really exciting for us,” she said.

“It’s basically a cutting tool and it’s great for taking off sun cancers which we get lots, especially in pale dogs.

“It heals up much faster than conventional surgery and with the smaller lumps and bumps you can do the surgery under local anaesthetic.”

The laser can be used only inside the operating theatre so horses and other large animals cannot be treated.

It is a carbon dioxide laser which vaporises the water tissue to dry out the skin and cut through it.

The vets underwent an intense training course by an instructor from the United States before they were allowed to use the apparatus.

Originally published as New laser reduces pain in animals

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