

Elleny Jade Matthews sentenced for robbery, dangerous driving

A young Sunshine Coast mum has been sentenced for driving dangerously through a marathon track and a violent robbery at her neighbour’s unit. Watch the video.

Woman allegedly drives dangerously at Sunshine Coast Marathon

A Sunshine Coast mum has been jailed for driving onto a marathon track just metres from competitors, and two days later punching and robbing a trusting neighbour.

Elleny Jade Matthews, 21, appeared from custody in Maroochydore District Court on August 31, 2023.

Crown prosecutor Joana Dias told the court Matthews drove in the parking lane at Cotton Tree Parade on August 14, 2022 while the area was zoned off for Sunshine Coast Marathon athletes.

Matthews was driving at a slow pace before police officers and other supervising staff shouted at her to stop.

This was when she “accelerated heavily” and drove within metres of marathon competitors, taking some traffic cones with her, Ms Dias told the court.

Chief Judge Brian Devereaux said Matthews was “fortunate” no competitors were hurt.

The court heard Matthews hit a gutter and damaged the car but continued to drive north onto Duporth Ave and left the scene.

There were between 300-400 competitors taking part in the marathon, Ms Dias said.

Elleny Jade Matthews pictured outside Maroochydore Courthouse. Picture: Sunshine Coast Daily.
Elleny Jade Matthews pictured outside Maroochydore Courthouse. Picture: Sunshine Coast Daily.

Two days later, Matthews and a man visited a neighbour within her unit area.

The court heard all three were known to each other.

The 49-year-old man let the pair into the home who began throwing false verbal abuse, calling him a “dog” and a “pedophile”.

Ms Dias said Matthews demanded cash and other items, saying “we’re here to clean you out”.

Matthews and her co-offender threw one punch each at the victim’s face, the court heard.

Ms Dias said Matthews grabbed valuables including a laptop, two phones and two guitars.

One guitar was snatched back and Matthews struck the victim on the back of the head, the court heard.

The pair left the unit and Matthews was located at the Sunshine Plaza Woolworths car park with two grams of cannabis, a water pipe and a small flick knife. and was taken into custody.

She was on probation at the time of both incidents.

Her 50-year-old co-offender was sentenced at a previous date.

Matthew’s mother, uncle and her co-offender were present in the public gallery for support.

Defence barrister Lachlan Ygoa-McKeown said she wanted to see her son upon release from custody and she had received an initial diagnosis of schizophrenia.

She had also taken steps towards drug diversion, Mr Ygoa-KcKeown said.

Matthews was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment to be released on parole on September 6, 2023.

She was disqualified from driving for three years and 237 days of her 380 days spent in pre-sentence custody was declared as time served.

Elleny Jade Matthews pleaded guilty to one count of robbery in company with personal violence, two of possessing drugs, two of possessing drug utensils, two of possessing a knife in public, one of unlawful use of a vehicle, four of unlicensed driving, one of driving while drug was present in saliva or blood, one of driving under the influence, one of failing to provide blood for testing, two of failing to stop when ordered by police, one of driving without a licence, one of dangerous operations of a vehicle and one of obstructing police.

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