
Coast school announces complete ban on mobile phones

A Sunshine Coast private school has banned the use of mobile phones in a desperate bid to force students to socialise face-to-face.

Matthew Flinders Anglican College has banned the use of mobile phones in an effort to encourage students to socialise face-to-face. Picture: PeopleImages
Matthew Flinders Anglican College has banned the use of mobile phones in an effort to encourage students to socialise face-to-face. Picture: PeopleImages

A SUNSHINE Coast private school has banned the use of mobile phones in a desperate bid to force students to socialise face-to-face.

Despite objections from some children that the new rule would, "ruin their social life," Matthew Flinders Anglican College principal Stuart Meade is undeterred.

"We don't want to see phones in the school grounds at all," Mr Meade said.

The use of other digital devices such as laptops and iPads is also not permitted during break times, unless under supervision in the library.

"We want kids to pick up on facial cues, they need to have meaningful conversations ... otherwise it's very easy to lapse into texting, and phones can become a security blanket as well as a vehicle for cyber-bullying," Mr Meade said.

The college of 1300 pupils already has a ban on phones in the junior school, with the new policy targeting high school students, particularly incoming Year 7 children.

"Our mantra is 'look up, not down'," Mr Meade, who met with a focus group of concerned parents late last year, said.

"There is a place for mobile technologies in education, however, there is also an increased focus in today's world on the need for effective verbal and visual communication, developing relationships and being 'present' with those around you.

"Research shows that phone use in schools has the potential to disrupt student wellbeing and concentration through issues of cyber-bullying, exposure to harmful material, and mental and physical health, and impact school work.

"If it's for an emergency use, such as a student needing to call mum about pick up for a dentist appointment, that's fine, but otherwise repeat offenders will be relieved of that digital distraction and parents informed."

Mr Meade said the school couldn't control phone usage before 8.15am or after 3.15pm, but the policy had already resulted in "lots more conversations happening around the grounds".

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