
Another year of successful shows for Coast theatre

The Diary of Anne Frank, The Odd Couple comedy, the Young Frankenstein musical and a Wife After Death — the Lind Theatre had it all.

ANNE FRANK: On stage during <i>The</i> <i> Diary of Anne Frank</i> production at the Lind Lane Theatre in Nambour. Photo: Contributed
ANNE FRANK: On stage during The Diary of Anne Frank production at the Lind Lane Theatre in Nambour. Photo: Contributed

FROM Young Frankenstein to a homegrown cabaret-style musical, the Lind Theatre had it all this year.

It has been an action-packed year for the Nambour theatre, holding five entertaining and thought-provoking stage plays.

President Glenda Campi said the theatre couldn’t hold the impressive shows without the “great little team” of volunteers.

“Every year is a big year for us … it’s really great that we have this community that support each other and work together as a team even though its small … if it wasn’t for these people it wouldn’t happen,” she said.

The community enjoyed plays including The Diary of Anne Frank, The Odd Couple comedy, the Young Frankenstein musical and a Wife After Death.

Ms Campi said two plays had the crowd amazed.

“My Diary of Anne Frank was a huge highlight – it was sold out which is sort of unheard of. It was amazing, I couldn’t believe how well it went,” she said.

“So many of the patrons came out with tears and big red faces and I had one little boy, I’ll never forget, said ‘you ripped my heart out’.

“The other one that was really good was the Young Frankenstein musical that was really popular.

“People said that they couldn’t believe that we are a little community theatre because the sets were amazing.”

She said despite being a small theatre, it maintains a “quality of work”.

“We try to keep our standard really high as a high as we can we don’t want people walking away saying ‘oh that was ho hum’[ so we really work hard every production,” Ms Campi said.

The theatre turns 75 next year and is looking to impress with more diverse shows.

First up for next year is Edith Cavell’s Facing the Silence starting on February 21.

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