
Accused’s bloody fingerprint found on doona, court told

SCIENTISTS have matched a fingerprint fixed in Justine Jones’s blood on her discarded doona to the former lover accused of murdering her.

SCIENTISTS have matched a fingerprint fixed in Justine Jones's blood on her discarded doona to the former lover accused of murdering her.

Bruce MacRaild, a now retired forensic chemist, told Brisbane Supreme Court that tests showed the print corresponded to samples of Richard Coburn's right middle finger.

The court heard the doona was found in a wheelie bin at the back of Ms Jones's Alexandra Headland unit, where she was last seen on July 7, 2010.

Mr Coburn has pleaded not guilty to murdering the 22-year-old and dumping her body in a wheelie bin across the road.

Police were initially investigating a missing person but found her badly crushed body, compacted from a garbage truck, at the Nambour tip a week later.

Under questioning from Mr Coburn's barrister Jeff Hunter, Mr MacRaild said cold water would wash out a blood stain but hot water would likely fix blood to a fabric.

Mr Hunter asked whether the blood stain he saw could have remained after being washed at some earlier point. Mr MacRaild said he was only working from photographs, not the doona itself, so he could not say.

Crown prosecutor David Meredith then asked how the fingerprint was most likely transferred to the doona.

"That's been left by that finger coming onto contact with that surface while it's had blood on it," he said.

Mr MacRaild said he also matched palm prints from Mr Coburn to the door frame and door to Ms Jones's bedroom.

Mr Coburn, in a police interview shown to the court, during the morning, told police he had not been in Ms Jones's room for about a month.

The jury saw photos of a wheelie bin with heavy blood stains dripping from top to bottom.

Forensic scientist Amanda Reeves said she obtained a complete DNA profile for Ms Jones from one of the swabs.

She said when compared to a database of other DNA profiles, there was a one in 4300 billion chance it it could be anyone other than her.

The trial continues.

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