

Undecided voters give their winner on the Steven Miles, David Crisafulli debate

The two men vying to be premier of Queensland dodged important questions and appeared out of touch, according to members of The Courier-Mail’s Voter Verdict.

Undecided voters react to leader's debate

The two men vying to be premier of Queensland dodged important questions and appeared out of touch - but Steven Miles was the winner of the first leaders debate, according to members of The Courier-Mail’s Voter Verdict.

The undecided voters who sat down to watch David Crisafulli and Mr Miles go head-to-head at last night’s debate said they were largely unimpressed with both men.

But it was Mr Crisafulli who fell short with the voters who described him as “condescending” and “arrogant”.

Keperra resident Jason Choice, 34 and Sarah Curry, 42 from Wavell Heights shared their unfiltered opinions as the two candidates went head-to-head on Channel 9.

From the get-go, there were chuckles at the ongoing bickering between Crisafulli and Miles, and a fangirl moment from Ms Curry not for either leader but rather 4BC radio host Sophie Formica who she remembered from Saturday Disney.

But things soon got serious as the leaders were grilled on the topics of cost-of-living, housing, energy, the Olympics, health and crime.

Both Mr Choice and Ms Curry on the topic of housing said both leaders seemed “out of touch” with Queenslanders, with Ms Curry saying Crisafulli’s explaining “in terms everyone will understand” was condescending.

“I found that really condescending …, oh I’m sorry am I a dumb s--t here?,” she said.

“Stop saying respect for money, you don’t respect my money, you’re in the top one per cent.”

The pair were also unimpressed with both leaders’ lack of vision for the Brisbane Olympic and Paralympic Games.

“Neither of them have a plan, neither of them have the backbone to go ‘this is what it’s going to be, I don’t care what you say, this is our plan, let’s go, let’s get it done’,” Ms Curry.

However, it was the topic of crime that created the biggest stir on the couch, with both voters finding the LNP’s ‘adult time, adult crime’ policy lacklustre and unrealistic in its timings.

Working with youth himself, Mr Choice said he did not see a way Crisafulli could address the crime rate in 100 days, saying that he believed the LNP’s “adult crime, adult time” plan was “still not right”.

“It starts with giving them (kids) something to do,” he said.

“There’s no way you can have a 100 days to solve it.

“I’ve never heard of any intervention program working currently”

Ms Curry echoed her concerns regarding the LNP’s plan to bring down crime in Queensland.

“There is so many loopholes in our justice system so it doesn’t just have to do with kids and crime”

“Adult time adult crime … no”

At the end of the debate, the pair were unanimous in their decision - Mr Miles was the winner.

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