
REVEALED: The locals' tips for saving water

FIND out the ways Granite Belt residents are saving water during the drought.

ADVICE: Granite Belt residents share their water-saving tips. Picture: Emma Channon
ADVICE: Granite Belt residents share their water-saving tips. Picture: Emma Channon

MEMBERS of the Granite Belt know how to save water in times of need.

Readers responded to a Facebook post asking for advice on how to save water with many suggestions.

Tony Bere-Streeter suggested using buckets in the shower to collect water to flush the toilet.

Shelly Campling agreed.

"My son sits in a storage tub of water in there and we were tipping the water on the gardens and grass,” she said.

"But (we) just realised we can just tip it down the toilet to flush it.”

Tracey Steginga offered laundry tips.

"Use wool wash instead of laundry powder/liquid,” she said.

"You don't need to rinse and so it saves a huge amount of water.”

Nadine Clayton said, "Get a few buckets and catch the rinse water in your washing machine to start your next load of washing.”

Heather Smith makes sure her dish-washing and bath water goes onto the garden.

"All washing water is piped onto the garden too, so essentially all the water in our house is used twice,” she said.

Penny Graham said to put a dish in the sink to catch water when you rinse cups or wash vegies to use in the garden.

However Mark and Leisa had our favourite tip: "Save water, drink beer.”

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