
The South Burnett's Sound of Music

The South Burnett Musical Comedy Society is holding information sessions for their upcoming musical.

The South Burnett Musical Comedy Society is holding information sessions for this years musical The Sound of Music. Picture: South Burnett Musical Society
The South Burnett Musical Comedy Society is holding information sessions for this years musical The Sound of Music. Picture: South Burnett Musical Society

THE South Burnett Musical Comedy Society is holding information sessions for their upcoming musical, featuring twice the amount of leads.

This year's musical is The Sound of Music.

There will be two information sessions. The first is on Sunday, February 10 at 2pm. The second is on Monday, February 11 at 7pm.

Both will be held at Kingaroy State High Assembly Hall.

Amanda Reinbott will be directing the musical.

"The information session is just to let everyone who is interested know how the auditions are going to work and how the show is going to run,” she said.

"We're looking at having about 17 speaking roles. But then there's plenty of chorus and supporting roles. This should allow for any amount of cast.

"We're also having shared roles this year. This means each speaking role will have two people performing in the role.”

Ms Reinbott enjoys running musicals this way and is excited to have the chance to work with twice the amount of South Burnett performers.

"We've just started having shared roles and understudies. The first time we trialled this for a few roles was with our performance of The Wizard of Oz. It worked really well for us,” Ms Reinbott said.

"Being a community organisation we really feel like this way is better because it involves as many people as possible. Which is the aim for us.”

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