
South Burnett school Dux and high achievers 2023

As the school year wraps up, school duxes and high achievers have been revealed, along with some of their remarkable accolades and ambitions. Read what they had to say.

The high achievers and duxes of the Burnett region 2023.
The high achievers and duxes of the Burnett region 2023.

As the school year wraps up for 2023, the high school duxes and high achievers across the region have been named along with some of their remarkable accolades.

Some students also shared their stories from 2023 and their plans for 2024.

Kingaroy duxes and high achievers 2023

First phase of South Burnett drone trial a success

Charlotte Landherr Dux of the Senior School (Year 12).

Charlotte Landherr Dux of the Senior School 2023. Kingaroy State High School.
Charlotte Landherr Dux of the Senior School 2023. Kingaroy State High School.

Charlotte also received a Subject Award for English, Mathematical Methods, Specialist mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology and an Academic Excellence Award and a Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award, ADF Long Tan Leadership and Teamwork Award, ADF Future Innovators Award and the Rotary Club of Kingaroy Bursary.

Charlotte has sat the UCAT exams for a prospective career in medicine and came in the 99th percentile in Australia.

A Kingaroy State High School spokesperson said Charlotte was a“humble, kind and gentle student who was a school vice captain this year”.

Charlotte spoke about what she learnt in 2023 and her plans for next year:

“2023 has been a very busy year for me. Undertaking the subjects of biology, chemistry, physics, maths methods, specialist maths, and general English has not been easy, however I am so glad I have had this opportunity,” she said.

“The subject content has been heavy, rigorous, and quite frankly mind-boggling at times (don’t get me started on electromagnetism), so I am incredibly grateful for all the support Kingaroy State High School has offered me.

“I would like to thank all my teachers for putting up with my endless clarifying questions, and for trying your best to answer even the most absurd of them. I would also like to thank my parents for supporting me on this journey.

“Finally, my extracurricular activities, particularly dance and instrumental music have been very important to me this year. Amongst all this craziness, I somehow managed to complete my final external exam and graduate high school. And now, after 13 years of schooling, it seems that the only logical decision is to study for at least another six years.

“It has been my longtime aspiration to study medicine and become a doctor to help those in struggling communities, and with each textbook chapter review completed and every assignment turned in this year, I have taken a step closer to this goal.

“It is my dream to study at James Cook University in Townsville, however, medicine is a very competitive course so I must be prepared for any outcome when university offers come out in January. As JCU heavily focuses on rural medicine, their degree is a particular interest of mine as I am all too aware of the doctor shortages we are experiencing in rural towns.”

Hamish Mungall Dux of the Junior School (Year 10).

Hamish Mungall Dux of the Junior School 2023. Kingaroy State High School.
Hamish Mungall Dux of the Junior School 2023. Kingaroy State High School.

Hamish also received the Subject Award for mathematics and an Academic Excellence Award.

“I moved to Kingaroy State High School at the start of 2023 with high hopes for my academics and was not disappointed,” Hamish said.

“Friendly competition and great teaching allowed me to improve, especially in mathematics and I soon set my sights on junior Dux. “Throughout the year I was given the opportunity to take a variety of subjects, from engineering and music to extension maths. But in the end, I was extremely fortunate to receive this award as there were many other students deserving of it just as much as me.”

Charlotte Landherr and Hamish Mungall. 2023 Senior and Junior Dux Kingaroy State High School.
Charlotte Landherr and Hamish Mungall. 2023 Senior and Junior Dux Kingaroy State High School.

Isis District State High School duxes 2023

Dux Sarah Onoprienko

2023 Dux Sarah Onoprienko. Isis State High School.
2023 Dux Sarah Onoprienko. Isis State High School.

“No one knows how much blood, sweat and tears I put into achieving the results I did and earning the Dux award better than my Mum,” Sarah said.

“At the beginning of the year, we were talking about pulling me out of school due to health issues but I somehow turned it around and worked hard to get where I am.

“I spent countless hours studying in my room at home, in study groups with my friends and in tutoring sessions with my teachers at school. I knew that my final results this year would determine the course of at least my first year out of school, and I knew the externals would be tough.

“I would say that the biggest thing I learnt in 2023 is that there is always a way around obstacles, and that you just need to keep looking until you find the best one for you.

“In 2024, I am pursuing tertiary studies with the University of the Sunshine Coast, and I am aiming to be accepted into their Bachelor of Medical Science as a stepping stone to becoming an Oncologist. I will be moving down to the Sunshine Coast with some friends which is very exciting and a little daunting.”

Student of the year Anna Bunyan

Student of the year Anna Bunyan 2023. Isis State High School.
Student of the year Anna Bunyan 2023. Isis State High School.

School Captain Anna Bunyan received some stand out awards including:

2023 Student of the Year, the Australian Defence Force, 2023 Long Tan Leadership and Teamwork Award for Year 12, the Rotary Award for Outstanding Service, and the 2023 Mayor’s Medal (alongside her fellow captains).

“Throughout 2023, a great amount of time and work was put in weekly to enable me to serve my school and eventually achieve this feat,” Anna said.

“Every week I would constantly be in meetings or checking up with others. I gave up my lunchtimes, time before and after school, and received a great number of emails once I arrived home. It took quite a bit of organisation as many times I had two or more meetings on at the exact same time.

“This year I learnt two main things: the importance of organisation and enjoying the little things. 2023 has been a year full of ups and downs as I went through my last year of schooling.

“Every year students receive a student planner to write our homework, exams and more into it. And this planner definitely became my best friend. By writing down my important dates I was able to keep track everything I had to do in a day and make sure I could make time for my studies and friends. Which brings me to my next lesson - enjoying the little things.

“Whether it was passing a tear jerking math exam, hanging out with my friends or sharing a few laughs in a meeting, it became important to enjoy the little things that made me happy and gave me a laugh in my day.

“My current plans for 2024 are to go to university and complete a Bachelor of agricultural science, majoring in animal science. It has been a long time dream for me to study within agriculture, especially within the cattle industry.”

Nanango State High School duxes 2023

Jean-Luc Barnett received the prestigious Prix D’Honneur award

Jean-Luc Barnett received the prestigious 2023 Prix D’Honneur award. Nanango State High School.
Jean-Luc Barnett received the prestigious 2023 Prix D’Honneur award. Nanango State High School.

Jean-Luc Barnett received the prestigious Prix D’Honneur award this year which is sponsored by the Nanango RSL Sub Branch Inc. This is awarded annually by the teaching staff to a senior student who has displayed outstanding qualities of leadership, co-operation and service to the school community. Many consider this the Awards Night top award.

“Jean-Luc has contributed in a variety of ways in his time at school. He has been this year’s Manumbar House Captain and a Peer Skills Leader,” a school spokesperson said.

“He is the 2023 Pedal Prix Captain and has spent many afternoons and weekends working on Pedal Prix vehicles. For the past three years, he has been an active volunteer with our Brekky Club where he regularly assists in preparing and delivering breakfasts across the school.

“Jean-Luc has represented the school as a South Burnett representative in Cross Country. He has completed Duke of Edinburgh Bronze & Silver Awards while at Nanango State High School as well as achieving academic and cultural recognition during his time at the school.

“He is a true role model for his peers.”

Jean-Luc will be studying paramedicine in 2024.

Jean-Luc said the biggest thing he had learnt in 2023 was to persevere and to never give up.

“I spent at times two to three hours a week volunteering at breakfast club every Thursday afternoon, coaching for three hours at Pedal Prix, four to five hours every Sunday with public holidays spent working on the creation of the new Pedal Prix racing trike. I was involved in not only the Pedal Prix team as team captain, but was also a valuable member of the football team as well as the school’s first men’s netball team with many countless hours spent training for those teams during and after school. I was a senior peer skills leader within the school, looking after my fellow students as well as Manumbar house captain, encouraging others and setting a good example during sporting carnivals, leading Manumbar to be the champion house for 2023.

“I have completed the Duke of Ed bronze and silver awards as part of this prestigious program offered at Nanango SHS.

“Finally, I have been a member of the Student Council for five of the six years spent at school.”

Rhiannon Snow received the Junior Dux (Year 10) award

Rhiannon Snow received the 2023 Junior Dux (Year 10) award. Nanango State High School.
Rhiannon Snow received the 2023 Junior Dux (Year 10) award. Nanango State High School.

Rhiannon was a straight A student, including in mathematics extension and English extension.

“As the Junior Dux recipient of 2023, I personally would like to share my experiences to receive such an award,” she said.

“In 2023, I learnt many skills and studying strategies to contribute to my results. I hope these skills and strategies can be used in future learning especially in 2024 for my selected subjects, while contributing to my chance of receiving the next Dux award.

“In 2024 I aim to receive the highest grades possible while learning new information that can further my overall ATAR score in grade 12.”

Declan Cogger received the Senior Dux award

Declan Cogger received the 2023 Senior Dux award. Nanango State High School.
Declan Cogger received the 2023 Senior Dux award. Nanango State High School.

Declan achieved a very high achievement in English, mathematical methods, physics, economics and business. He was the Year 11 Dux in 2022 also.

“I plan to move to Sydney to pursue my dream of practising law by studying a Bachelor of Science and Laws at the University of Sydney (fingers crossed). The battle is in your head. Give everything a go and you’ll be astonished by what you can achieve.”

Lachlan Cronin received the Year 11 Dux award

Lachlan Cronin received the 2023 Year 11 Dux award. Nanango State High School.
Lachlan Cronin received the 2023 Year 11 Dux award. Nanango State High School.

“Over the course of my schooling I’ve always been determined to strive for the best results I can muster,” Lachlan said.

“In high school especially, I’ve put in a lot of effort, receiving subject awards every year and being presented with junior dux in grade 10 and grade 11 dux this year.

“The most important thing I learnt this year is that the jump from grade 10 to 11 was very evident and to expect similar for grade 12 in 2024. The workload this year was tough but my ability to grasp concepts easily and the undying effort of my teachers has put me in this position.”

Yarraman State School duxes 2023

Primary Dux Lachlan Bionda

Secondary Dux Karlin Purvis

2023 Secondary Dux Karlin Purvis and Primary Dux Lachlan Bionda. Yarraman State School.
2023 Secondary Dux Karlin Purvis and Primary Dux Lachlan Bionda. Yarraman State School.

Karlin Purvis looks forward to continuing his studies next year as he moves up into Year 10. He said the biggest thing he learnt in 2023 was “hard work pays off”.

He said he worked hard and put in a lot of hours of study to achieve this remarkable feat.

Saint Mary’s Catholic College duxes and high achievers 2023

Saint Mary’s Catholic College staff, students, parents, carers and wider community gathered in the College’s Maryknoll Centre to celebrate another great year of academic excellence.

College principal Carmel O’Brien said “it has been another incredible year with each and every student continuing to build their capacity, in preparation for 2024”.

Here are the Saint Mary’s Catholic College high achievers.

ADF Long Tan Leadership and Teamwork Award Year 10 – Daniel Lowe

ADF Long Tan Leadership and Teamwork Award Year 12 – Stella Penny

ADF Future Innovators Award Year 10 – Michael Polley

ADF Future Innovators Award Year 12 – Eleanor Schick

Saint Mary’s Catholic College 2023 ADF awards, Eleanor Schick, Michael Polley, Stella Penny and Daniel Lowe.
Saint Mary’s Catholic College 2023 ADF awards, Eleanor Schick, Michael Polley, Stella Penny and Daniel Lowe.

Junior Sportsman of the Year – Taine Strong

Junior Sportswoman of the Year – Claire Taylor and Ruby Madigan

Sportsman of the Year – James McCarthy

Sportswoman of the Year - Bridget Searle

BCE Spirit of Sport Award – Benjiman Whalan

Saint Mary's Catholic College Sports People of 2023, Benjiman Whalan, Bridget Searle, James McCarthy, Taine Strong, Ruby Madigan and Claire Taylor.
Saint Mary's Catholic College Sports People of 2023, Benjiman Whalan, Bridget Searle, James McCarthy, Taine Strong, Ruby Madigan and Claire Taylor.

Aunty Daisy Deadly Achievement Award – Jasmynne McEffer

Saint Mary’s Catholic College 2023 Aunty Daisy Deadly Achievement Award. Head of College Mandy Sullivan, Jasmynne McEffer and College Principal Carmel O’Brien.
Saint Mary’s Catholic College 2023 Aunty Daisy Deadly Achievement Award. Head of College Mandy Sullivan, Jasmynne McEffer and College Principal Carmel O’Brien.

Carroll Award for Diligence Overall Winner – Nicholas Sutton

Saint Mary’s Catholic College 2023 Carroll Award. Nicholas Sutton and Head of College Mandy Sullivan.
Saint Mary’s Catholic College 2023 Carroll Award. Nicholas Sutton and Head of College Mandy Sullivan.

Tom Lambert Award for Excellence in the Arts – Mikayla Ward

Saint Mary’s Catholic College 2023 Tom Lambert Award for Excellence in the Arts. Dance Teacher Ally Walker, Mikayla Ward and Curriculum Leader Carolyn Nelson.
Saint Mary’s Catholic College 2023 Tom Lambert Award for Excellence in the Arts. Dance Teacher Ally Walker, Mikayla Ward and Curriculum Leader Carolyn Nelson.

The Ampol Best All Rounder – Eleanor Schick

Saint Mary’s Catholic College 2023 The Ampol Best All Rounder award. Eleanor Schick and College Principal Carmel O’Brien.
Saint Mary’s Catholic College 2023 The Ampol Best All Rounder award. Eleanor Schick and College Principal Carmel O’Brien.

Principal’s Award – Ariel Lynagh and Adrienne Howard

Saint Mary’s Catholic College 2023 Principal’s Award. Ariel Lynagh and Adrienne Howard.
Saint Mary’s Catholic College 2023 Principal’s Award. Ariel Lynagh and Adrienne Howard.

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