1/2607 Feb 2001 Nanago Mayor Reg McCallum 74, with "Kanga" wears a hat, on the South Burnett horse mail run re-enactment to mark this year's Centenary of Federation. PicNathan/Richter animals horses headshot aged man 35/Z/17439
Remembering Reg McCallum 1926 – 2024 | GALLERY
The South Burnett Times pays tribute to one of Australia’s longest serving mayors and a tireless member of the community, Reg McCallum who sadly passed away last week aged 97. See our photos of Reg throughout the years.
2/2619/10/2007 BCM Bike track running along the old railway line from Linville to Blackbutt - Nanango Shire Mayor Reg McCallum Photo: Sarah Marshall
3/26Barry Green, Bev Townsend, Cedric Duff, Reg McCallum, Pat Duff, Andrew Green and John Lee.
4/26Reg McCallum.
5/26Bill Andrews, Reg McCallum, Bill Andrews and Tom Perrett.
6/26Nanago Shire Mayor Reg McCallum .
7/26Former Nanango Shire Council mayor Reg McCallum officially opens the Nanango Music Muster. September 8, 2017.
8/26Former long standing Mayor Reg McCallum with a painting of the original court house. Photo Helen Spelitis / South Burnett Times
9/26SERVICE CELEBRATION: Reg McCallum, Percy Iszlaub and Scott Roberts, on behalf of his father Bill Roberts, receive special awards for a combined total of 108 years of service to the Nanango, Wondai and Murgon Shire Councils. Photo Tessa Mapstone / South Burnett Times
10/26Nev Kassulke and Reg McCallum. Photo Barclay White / South Burnett Times
11/26Reg McCallum.
12/26WORDS OF WISDOM: Don't get your wisgom teeth pulled it hurts, relates Reg McCallum. Photo: Clive Lowe / South Burnett Times
13/2619/102007 BCM Bike track running along the old railway line from Linville to Blackbutt - Nanango Shire Mayor Reg McCallum Pic: Sarah Marshall
14/26Nanango's Reg McCallum and Lee Powell enjoy their afternoon at the Nanango Races. Photo: Aiden Burgess / South Burnett Times
15/26RAIL TRAIL: South Burnett Regional Councillors Debbie Palmer and Cheryl Dalton, Reg McCallum, Kerry Mercer, South Burnett Regional Council community and cultural services project officer Anna Grundy and Evolution Studios Shayne Cantly launched the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail (BVRT) oral histories project this week. Photo Katrina Scott / South Burnett Times
16/26AND THEY'RE RACING: Checking the race start long time horse spotter Reg McCallum. Photo: Clive Lowe / South Burnett Times
17/2619/10/2007 BCM Bike track running along the old railway line from Linville to Blackbutt. ltr CEO Kerry Mercer and Nanango Shire Mayor Reg McCallum Pic: Sarah Marshall
18/2619/10/2007 BCM Bike track running along the old railway line from Linville to Blackbutt - Nanango Shire Mayor Reg McCallum Pic: Sarah Marshall
19/2619/10/2007 BCM Bike track running along the old railway line from Linville to Blackbutt. ltr CEO Kerry Mercer and Nanango Shire Mayor Reg McCallum Pic: Sarah Marshall
20/26Nanago Shire Mayor Reg McCallum .
21/26Nanango Shire Mayor Reg McCallum 80yrs amond riders on the old Brisbane Valley rail trail - travel tourism horseriding trails Dec 2006
22/2619 Sept 2000 Nanango Shire chairman Reg McCallum with rusted old truck at The Seven Mile Diggings the site of a gold mine in /1866. picPhil/Hammond. headshot
23/2620 jul 1999 Timber & Forestry demo through Brisbane. l-r Bill Roberts mayor of Murgon, Percy Iszlaub mayor of Wondai and Reg McCallum mayor of Nanango. 35/T/15525/534 demonstrations qld
24/26COPYPIC OF Nanago Shire Mayor Reg McCallum in 1973 as a councillor .
25/26October 19th, 2007 BCM Bike track running along the old railway line from Linville to Blackbutt - Nanango Shire Mayor Reg McCallum Pic: Sarah Marshall
26/26February 7th, 2001 Nanago Mayor Reg McCallum 74, with "Kanga" on the South Burnett horse mail run re-enactment to mark this year's Centenary of Federation. Pic: Nathan/Richter.