
Police search for motorbike hoon, who evaded at 120km/h

A motorcyclist who took off at high speed on a suburban street is under investigation, and police are appealing to the public for information.

Police lights on the top of a police car, Monday, August 29, 2016.
Police lights on the top of a police car, Monday, August 29, 2016.

ROMA police are appealing to the public for information, to try and find a motorcyclist who evaded officers at high speed.

At about 9.15pm on Friday, May 1, police were responding to a public complaint about hooning when they encountered the motorbike, and its rider dressed in orange high-visibility clothing, on Cottell St.

When they tried to intercept the vehicle, its rider turned on to Bowen St, and sped off at about 120km/h, evading police; officers did not pursue because of wet road conditions.

The motorcycle is believed to be a silver Suzuki SV1000, and police are calling on the public to help identify the rider.

Roma Road Policing Unit is searching for the rider of a silver Suzuki SV1000, who evaded police at high speed down a suburban street.
Roma Road Policing Unit is searching for the rider of a silver Suzuki SV1000, who evaded police at high speed down a suburban street.

Anyone with information about the identity of the motorcyclist is asked to contact Roma police or Crimestoppers on 1800 333 000.

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