
Dexter celebrates 109th

Another year and another book published for Roma's centenarian, Dexter Kruger.

LIFE WRIT LARGE: Dexter Kruger with his two great-granddaughters celebrating his 109th birthday. Picture: Jorja McDonnell
LIFE WRIT LARGE: Dexter Kruger with his two great-granddaughters celebrating his 109th birthday. Picture: Jorja McDonnell

CENTENARIAN and author Dexter Kruger has a tradition of releasing a book every year on his birthday and this one was no exception for the charismatic Roma resident.

The latest in Mr Kruger's series of books is titled As You Like It.

Ever the entrepreneur, Mr Kruger had the books up for sale as soon as they were delivered to him from the printers.

Now at number 12 in the series chronicling his life experience, Mr Kruger said the books were part of what kept his mind so sharp.

"They say you're only as old as you feel," he said.

"That's why I've been able to write more than 300 stories in 12 books.

"I've already got one story for the next book."

The tales within their pages come from across Mr Kruger's 109 years.

His latest offering includes a story about Kilcoy's Grand Old Man, William Butler, who died just over a century ago, and the memorial that stands in the town where Mr Kruger once lived.

Kicking off his birthday celebrations early, Mr Kruger started the morning with an interview on ABC Radio National.

Then it was on to church and a delicious morning tea.

Mr Kruger received a swathe of media attention later in the day, meeting with TV crews from Channels 7 and 10 in the afternoon before his big birthday bash.

After all of the day's excitement, Mr Kruger was somewhat worn out but his signature charm and quick wit did not tire.

He said he even surprised himself with his stamina on the day.

"I've had a big day and weathered it better than I thought," Mr Kruger said.

"I weather the weather, whatever the weather, whether I like it or not."

Mr Kruger sells his books via his Facebook page, where he also updates his family and followers on his daily life.

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