
Roma Lions Club welcomes guests to the Maranoa

Annual district convention is now on.

WELCOME TO ROMA: Aileen Knowles, David Knowles and Annette Knowles are excited for the annual Lions Club District Convention to be held in Roma this weekend. Picture: Molly Hancock
WELCOME TO ROMA: Aileen Knowles, David Knowles and Annette Knowles are excited for the annual Lions Club District Convention to be held in Roma this weekend. Picture: Molly Hancock

THE Roma Lions Clubs are gearing up to host the annual district conference this weekend with more than 250 people set to descend on the town.

2018 convention chairman Aileen Knowles said the club was looking forward to the activity-packed occasion.

"It is 10 years since we last hosted the district convention and it moves around each year. It is primarily in Brisbane, but last year it was in Dalby so

it is gradually coming further out west,” Ms Knowles said.

"It is great that they want to come out and support us in the country because

they know out here we are very friendly, they have a good time and they are well fed.”

The Roma Lions Club has confirmed 262 people to attend the convention starting on Friday with registrations opening at 12.30pm at the Roma Cultural Centre.

Festivities start on Friday evening with the welcome dinner, official opening and flag ceremony from 5.30pm.

Saturday will be the heart of the convention with formalities beginning from 8.30am.

"It is our general meeting for the district, so on Saturday there will plenty of business and also nominations,” Ms Knowles said.

"It is also a great time to renew friendships, make new friends and a wonderful opportunity for the town.”

Saturday night the Roma Gun Club will transform into a sophisticated space fore the evening masquerade banquet.

The evening will include dinner and live entertainment, as well as an auction.

Sunday morning will commemorate Lions members and their partners who have passed away with the remembrance ceremony at 8.30am.

The youth forum for the Lions Club will then proceed from 9am.

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